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Should you clean your walls with a can of Coke? Scientific research says yes, but Shawn has to put it to the test. Join him as he gets these FILTHY words off his walls!



Should you clean your walls with a can of Coke? Scientific research says yes, but Shawn has to put it to the test. Join him as he gets these FILTHY words off his walls!



I really like the random “slice of life” friendimension videos, like this and the skate ramp series. The Camel card game was a great idea too. Gameplay videos are always enjoyable, but I like the variety.


idk man


Just washed my clothes in Coke because of this video and now I look like a walking ant farm. Thanks


Before you use a chalkboard you're supposed to run a piece of chalk over the entire surface and then erase it.


Two dollars well spent. I’m going to make an educated guess and say it has something to do with the way citric acid reacts with calcium, its always the citric acid