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We make up for lost Friendimension time this week with a special DOUBLE LENGTH episode! In this one, we go back to Super Star Wars on SNES and conquer the entire galaxy! Or like... okay, most of it. Or.. uh...  part of,  uh, well, a corner of... alright, just watch it.


Friendimension: SUPER STAR WARS (Patreon Exclusive)

For the first time ever, the Mega64 gang conquers an entire game in one sitting. You will see vast stretches of the Star Wars galaxy that you have never seen. Be prepared to travel to the ends of the universe and back in this mindblowing episode of Friendimension! http://mega64.com http://patreon.com/mega64 http://shop.mega64.com http://twitter.com/mega64 http://facebook.com/mega64



Mannnn, can't believe I managed to beat the sarlacc as a kid. Could never get past the Jawa sand crawler though.


This might be my favortie friendimension yet. You guys aren't having that game at all hahaha


I had this game, never got off tatooine myself, but my friend got allll the way to the frickin death star xwing part at the end, and had a ton of lives. He died like 5 times and with about a dozen lives left just decided to shut it off. I couldn't believe it. Didn't even let me take a crack at it!


Is this vid private for anyone else? ::(


Vid is gone? Come on, sad day


Can you please make these old friendimension episodes not private?