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Friendimension is gonna be a day or two late this week, so enjoy this treat from the vault we just dug up in the meantime!

WARNING: Intense flashes of light in this video! A lot of them!

This video introduced our panel at PAX East 2014 (as well as other cons throughout the year, with the event logo painstakingly swapped out each time), and we're just gonna plant the flag right here: this might be the weirdest intro video we ever made. To say there's a lack of consistency among ideas happening here is, well... putting it extremely mildly. As with all Mega64 show/panel intro videos, this was edited by Rocco, who was clearly in a puzzling state of mind during whatever created this thing. Even to this day, in a clouded mental state, he sometimes writes about himself in the third person.  

This also marked the first ever viewing of what was technically Mega64's first "sweded" work, the Ghostbusters segment in all its copywritten music glory. This clip was originally produced the year before as an introductory video to a cable show Mega64 was asked to be a part of. We were contacted by the producers of a TruTV show called "Fake Off," in which contestants recreated huge scenes using practical means onstage. They had seen our work and thought we would fit the show. However, they asked us to create sort of a "test video" using a movie premise (in this case, Ghostbusters) as a method of final "audition" for the show. They loved what they saw, and we were all set to tape this cable show in Los Angeles over the course of 2-4 months- that is, until, at the last possible second, we were told production was moving to Atlanta instead. Not willing to be away from family and also literally any other productive work at Mega64 HQ for that long, Mega64 officially backed out of the show for good... but the ghosts still linger here to this day.


Mega64 Vault: PAX East 2014 Intro

WARNING: Intense flashes of light in this video! This video introduced our panel at PAX East 2014 (as well as other cons throughout the year, with the event logo painstakingly swapped out each time), and we're just gonna plant the flag right here: this might be the weirdest intro video we ever made. To say there's a lack of consistency among ideas happening here is, well... putting it extremely mildly. As with all Mega64 show/panel intro videos, this was edited by Rocco, who was clearly in a puzzling state of mind during whatever created this thing. Even to this day, he sometimes writes about himself in the third person. This also marked the first ever viewing of what was technically Mega64's first "sweded" work, the Ghostbusters segment in all its copywritten music glory. This clip was originally produced the year before as an introductory video to a cable show Mega64 was asked to be a part of. We were contacted by the producers of a TruTV show called "Fake Off," in which contestants recreated huge scenes using practical means onstage. They had seen our work and thought we would fit the show. However, they asked us to create sort of a "test video" using a movie premise (in this case, Ghostbusters) as a method of final "audition" for the show. They loved what they saw, and we were all set to tape this cable show in Los Angeles over the course of 3-4 months- that is, until, at the last possible second, we were told production was moving to Atlanta instead. Not willing to be away from family and also literally any other productive work at Mega64 HQ for that long, Mega64 officially backed out of the show for good... but the ghosts still linger here to this day.



You may want to add a seizure warning to this video lol


Love the backstory you guys type on these


crying laughing at this. those subtitles of each PAX event !