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You're probably wondering- Uhh, is this Friendimension? What video game is this? This doesn't look like Elden Ring? What's going on?

Well, we're going to change Friendimension from here on out. The core thing that was important to us in doing this weekly is showing the fun between friends- whatever game or activity it may be. We decided that we don't necessarily always have to be playing a video game just to hang with us in our HQ... it can be a lot of different experiences. Whatever we're feeling in the moment! So, with all this said, we're going to pivot Friendimension into doing whatever thing excites us in the studio in a particular moment that we can share together- whether it be behind the scenes stuff, checking out art we like, eating exotic foods, etc. (although yes, sometimes that will still be video games just like before!).

This week, Shawn wanted to show you around the podcast set he and Garrett built, and go a little more into how the podcast is put together. Let us know your feedback on this kind of stuff- you like loose stuff like this? Or will you be bummed if it means seeing less gameplay? Or do you not care? Or did you mean to sub to the Kinda Funny Patreon instead? Tell us!


Friendimension: Mega64 Podcast Set Behind The Scenes

Shawn and Garrett give a tour of the Mega64 Podcast set and other inner workings of their headquarters!



This is a really great idea! I love it.


This is an awesome idea! I appreciate the amount and variety of work yall put into everything.


I think this is a really awesome change for friendimension and gives it a new set of legs and am really excited to see where this goes


Hey this is still the Mega64 Friendship Simulator, so it doesn’t matter if there are games involved or not :)


Love this kind of stuff! I think it's a good idea to give the show a bit of variety.


Always happy to see you guys do new things, sharing your experiences while playing off one another. However, I do prefer seeing you guys sit and play video games together as well, rather than just relegating video games to twitch streams.


Friendimension being more broad will be fun. We know you all have cool interests and hobbies and stuff. And it makes it more exciting when an ep gets posted cause won’t know what it’s gonna be


Cool! Whatever's more fun for you guys to make will be more fun for us to watch.


We will still play games too, but just gonna mix it up with other stuff too. But let us know later on if you think we’re not playing enough!


I love this idea!!!


Awesome! Love all the stuff you guys put out for patreon, especially movie club and friendimension. Excited to see what’s next!


I really like this change in content, but I also do enjoy seeing your guy’s reactions/commentary on different video games as well. I know you guys are a busy bunch, but if you guys did something like this plus a video game related friendimension each week that would be awesome. I don’t know if that’s asking for too much? Either way I’ll Still enjoy whatever videos you guys make for us all. Keep it up!


Love BTS and the 'just hanging out' vibe!

Kody James

Friendimension Karaoke would be fun to watch, if you guys are up for it sometime


Personally love this kind of thing the most, so please do keep it going!

Sam Swain

Great idea! Totally keen to watch whatever! Would honestly love some hangs across San Diego too, love seeing America being that I'm from Australia!


Always wondered what all went into making the podcast. This was super neat!


Absolutely loved this video, guys!




Yoooo more of this PLEASE! Don't be afraid to get nerdy with all the equipment too!


This was awesome


Love videos like this

Colton Reeder

I like the newest set. Great job!

Castle GSkull

I'm all for this being shared publicly eventually, it's really inspiring seeing all the work you guys put into this



Andy Tuttle

I'm one of the three people who got the Hillcrest brunch reference.

Andy Tuttle

Oh shit, the Dr. Mindbender I sent is chilling under the set, haha.