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Mega64 Version 3, Episode 05: "Project Whoosh" 2009 (Episode produced in 2009, released on DVD in 2010 (Mega64: Version 3).

Written/Directed by Derrick Acosta, Rocco Botte, Shawn Chatfield

A missing chapter is told at last. Prepare for full disclosure on PROJECT WHOOSH.


-The Oregon Trail skit caused a massive paramedics scare when people genuinely thought Rocco was defecating himself to death outside a restaurant.

-The "None Mercy" crew was played by an actual group of stuntpeople that Mega64 met from the internet called No Mercy Video. Their videos had some seriously intense stunts! Mega64 featured them in the Ghost Recon video made for Ubisoft, as well as the previous episode "The Wizard II." Leroy from the group has gone on to appear on America's Got Talent and a whole bunch of other huge TV shows!

-When Shawn was hit by the fluorescent lightbulbs (which were real), the main camera was bumped and missed the stunt. However, a behind-the-scenes camera captured the moment and the footage was used in the episode as the "None Mercy cam."

-Luma, who plays "Cherry," was another friend of Rocco/Derrick/Shawn from the same theater class they all met in in high school.

-The Mirror's Edge video and the Shadow Of The Colossus video were both shown for the first time at GDC 2009 during the Game Developer's Choice Awards.

-The test subject being experimented on at FALZ headquarters is Ryan Sinn, bassist for The Distillers and one of the original members of Angels and Airwaves.

-The opening/closing song "Wake The Town And Tell The People" is presented here as in its original presentation, but may be cut out the next time you watch it because the rights to this recording are vague and nobody knows what's going on.

NEXT TIME: The Mega64 Version 3 SEASON FINALE. The consequences of one fateful decision have finally caught up to Dr. Poque. Derek makes a discovery. Sean has a breakthrough. Father and Son united at last. None of it will end until The Man Upstairs has the final word. Join us next time for the thrilling 42-minute final episode: DELAWARE.


Mega64 Version 3.5 "Project Whoosh" (2009)

A missing chapter is told at last. Prepare for full disclosure on PROJECT WHOOSH.



A quick note: This episode features an opening/closing song called "Wake The Town And Tell The People," a recording of which was at one point public domain but isn't anymore (isn't it wonderful how things work??). We elected to include it as originally included, but the YouTube player has identified it and claimed it... meaning that it may run ads on the episode. Let us know your experience and if it's truly horrible, we can find other ways to upload it. Your feedback is appreciated!


When I bought Version 3 and watched it with my friends for the first time, I think the use of that song at that moment in particular stuck with us for years. Really made a perfect choice that elevates the scene, the episode, and even the whole season. I think you guys made the right decision to leave it in the episode.


This was always a personal favorite from Version 3 -- the image of a human Marcus at the front door is just burned into my mind. Great work boyz.


no ads on my video boiz


Woah I never knew Marcus had a backstory for being a puppet, I just always accepted he as he is, a disgusting piece of felt.