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Verily, we very viciously vindicate voraciousl- okay, you know what, let's just end this gimmick here. We watched V FOR VENDETTA from 2005. Hadn't thought about this one in a while- did it hold up? Or is it as corny as all that other stuff from the early 2000's?


Mega64 Movie Club: V For Vendetta

Verily, we very viciously vindicate voraciousl- okay, you know what, let's just end this gimmick here. We watched V FOR VENDETTA from 2005. Hadn't thought about this one in a while- did it hold up? Or is it as corny as all that other stuff from the early 2000's?



When he uses amazon to mail everyone in england guy fawkes outfits XD


Am I the only one who watches these in a VR movie theatre lol. Great episode!


The audio is a bit quiet for me


I have a lot of mixed thoughts on this movie; to me it fails when taken as an adaptation of the source material. It's clear the movie is geared much more towards an American audience under the Bush administration whereas the book is explicitly about Margret Thatcher's conservative government, and is also as Derrick mentions, much more psychological and sexual in nature. However, I think when taken as a politically charged action movie merely inspired by the book it's pretty tight, with some really slick action, writing and direction. Although it does bug me that they never once use the word ‘fascist’ or ‘fascism’ in the movie. I think I’d give it 3 popcorn shakers overall.


On Raimi Spider-Man series: 1 is honestly a good movie. Its campy and has some rough early 00s CGI at times. But film wise it is /fine/. 2 is alright - can be a fun watch but is rougher film structure wise than 1 ... and 3 is bad which is fun from a bad movie perspective. Good riffing movie.

Allie Patterson

Police Story was such an experience!! I saw it at the plaza and it was nuts how perfect everything was!


You guys should do Tetsuo: The Iron Man sometime