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Have you heard of this one? 2/3rds of us hadn't, but Night Of The Hunter is considered a film classic! We dove in cold on this one and had a big discussion on what it did for filmmaking. Some great discussion! 


Mega64 Movie Club: Night Of The Hunter

Have you heard of this one? 2/3rds of us hadn't, but Night Of The Hunter is considered a film classic! We dove in cold on this one and had a big discussion on what it did for filmmaking. Some great discussion!



Love this movie. Robert Mitchum is honestly a classical movie monster in this. “Don’t he never sleep?”


Yes who framed Roger rabbit or how about dark city? Can you announce the movies you will watch on twitter so we can find them and watch ahead of time?


I'm glad I got the opportunity to watch this, would have never seen it without Derrick's recommendation. I'm with Rocco, I had an impression that the 50s was largely innocent so it was very interesting to watch such a mature film. Cool as!


I could tell this was a Derrick choice.

Neil Steffens

Thank you SO much for recommending this! I immediately inserted it into my top 25 films of all time. This is black-and-white photography at its height. I defy anyone to press pause and not be admired by the composition. The story and performances match this to boot.

Neil Steffens

Also, I feel like Icey Spoon would be a classic Mega64 name.


Watchded it 3/4 years ago when Derrick recommended it for the first time. Highly enjoyed it. 4/5 shakers for me.


One of my favorite movies. It wasn't as influential at the time, but I think it's a much more impactful experience to watch in 2020 than Citizen Kane or Casablanca. I don't think anything from the 50s comes close without being directed by Hitchcock

Bill Murphy

I don't know. Casablanca is still an awesome watch. Bogart and Bergman have great chemistry.


I think all three give an incredible experience, but Citizen Kane and Casablanca have been parodied/referenced to death. Sort of weakens the impact.


Love when the dove in cold!


Please do more episodes like this.


this movie slaps so fuckin hard


came from two years in the future just to say: I appreciate Rocco's allusion to The Fun Machine Took A Shit And Died