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Hey everyone! We're reaching the end of our first month on Patreon. You've all been really generous and helpful in supporting us through this means. Since it hasn't been a full month yet, we are still haven't received any of the funding yet, but in early December we will! We've already been planning out the good stuff from our first two goals we met (Podcast improvements and a new web series) and we can really get started on it all once our funding actually begins. Thanks again for making that happen! We'll keep you posted next month, but until then, be sure to check out some of the new stuff (including a new Blu-ray title) from us that we released on Black Friday. Lots more cool stuff to come!




You guys should make something exclusive for your Patreon account as we're all paying.


You guys shouldn't make any exclusives for your Patreon account as I'd rather everything be open for everyone


You guys should weigh the pros and cons of each standpoint and make an educated decision on exclusives for your Patreon.


You guys should do whatever, I'm not your dad.


You guys should do neither.


Love your work, guys! Can't wait to see Version 4.1!


Are you guys seriously forcing people to pay just to watch your friend dimension episodes? is this some kind of a joke? what the hell happened to you guys you guys used to be cool. crash and burn coming you shills


Support the people who provide you with entertainment. No one is forcing anything. The people who do care are funding your right to bitch.


No one is forcing anything. Support your entertainment like a decent human being. We love this content and want more of it. I pay so you can bitch.


I think they deserve to have something exclusive. They upload every podcast for free, skits for free, not to mention their twitch feed. Plus you only have to pay 1 dollar to get the episode , which, is amazing just in itself AND you support some pretty awesome guys so they can make better videos in higher quality resolution. So, for me, I see no downsides at all.


Well done