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Hey guys- Sorry for the delay on the summer gift package. Whenever we try and experiment with new items... there always seems to be a major delay! But the good news is that we have almost everything together now and it turned out great (The Sytefreek deck of cards turned out SO slick- it's going to be one of those items that people are bummed they didn't get long from now). 

Anyway, this stuff should all finally ship out in the next couple days! Thanks for bearing with us on this. Hope you like it!


William Fink

Can't wait! Christopher Demon is one of my favorite characters.


I just took my shoes off in anticipation!


Hey guys did the spring package with the beanie already send out? I wasn't really sure since it seemed like there were some delays with both, but I could wrong


Damn that's a bummer


They probably tried shipping them to you with Flyghtfreek. Oh well, what you see is what you get


I wanted to check and can't seem to confirm anywhere- if I backed the patreon for June/July/Aug I will receive the package with the Flame War Theater blu ray, correct? Can I cancel my membership before it renews on 9/1?