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Greetings, fair patrons! The warm breezes of summer have rolled in from the shore. As we continue to pack up and prepare the items for the Summer gift packages to go out, we turn our eyes to the Fall for the next batch. And hark- what a batch 'tis... for this fine package is Flame War Theater themed.

The first Fall package item for Tier 3 members is a really fantastic one- it's FLAME WAR THEATER (Volume 1) on Blu-ray! The whole first season of our most theatrical series in full High Definition in a glorious physical format. It'll also contain bonus features and commentary (image above is mockup only and doesn't necessarily reflect final artwork).

The second item for Tier 3 members is a thoughtful and heartfelt Flame War Theater commemorative program/playbill to accompany this prestigious actment. With information and pictures, it's sure to become one of your most prized keepsakes (image is a concept mockup, artwork not final here either).

As usual, Tier 3 also gets everything Tier 2 gets-- an exclusive poster, calendar, and smaller mystery items. We won't show that stuff now but, as always, thou shall not want to miss them. 

We're also going to be adding a bunch more weird video content from the vault here very soon!

 You have until June 30 to get in on funding and stay on for 3 months to qualify for the package. Any funding after that will still do great things, unlock access to Friendimension & other bonus material, and you'll just go into counting towards the package after this one. Stay tuned for more announcements and don't miss out!

*All artwork and items/plans subject to change.

**Thanks for your support!

***We love you!




I luove it.


Question: June 30th end of day safe to assume? 11:59:59 PST?


Oh HELL yeah