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We thought we'd take a little time here and update everyone on the latest going on here at Mega64... as told to you, our loyal patrons.

  • Winter gift packages are on the way. These got majorly held up by a lot of delayed manufacturing stuff over the holidays. It sucked. We were hoping this package would get us back on track after how long the fanny packs took, but... well! Regardless of anything, they're on the way now, and we think it's the best gift package ever. We hope you enjoy it.
  • Because of your ongoing support through this site and other means, we have brought on Garrett for a more full time role at Mega64. Because of his ongoing presence, many people already assumed this had happened. But the truth is, Garrett has had a very successful career outside of Mega64, and for the first time we were finally able to get him under our roof on a more regular basis. You'll be seeing our boy Fruit Snax a lot more in the near future. We are unbelievably grateful for this opportunity, and it's all made possible thanks to YOU. 
  • An update on Version 4.1... and our existence as a whole. As you know, the thing was supposed to come out a while ago. I mean, you don't need us to remind you. It honestly breaks our heart. We really were planning hard for it to be out at the end of this last year, but we missed our chance. It's been held up by many things; a big chunk of the past year was spent transitioning into a new studio (which actually did help the production in great ways, but still slowed things down), we had actors with conditions that kept them from filming, and... lots of other BS reasons that are honestly totally lame and defeating. Some of them would make you go "aw, come on" and others would make you go "Oh... yeah that makes sense." But our resolve is strong and we want to get it to you as soon as possible. Something that we see written a lot about it is "They're taking their time to make it perfect." This is simultaneously a great AND scary thing to read. Great because... people understand we want to make things good and not rushed or lame. Scary because... it makes expectations too high! All we're trying to make is a funny adventure with characters we love. When people talk like it's gonna be some Kubrick-level thing, I mean, we're flattered, but damn is it terrifying. The delays have only brought that onto ourselves- but we want to be as transparent as possible. What we're trying to do with Version 4.1 is just make something really fun in our old characters' universe again. The media climate has changed so much over recent years, especially on the internet- so much of it is personality or gameplay driven. And what narrative there is, is usually driven by heavy or upsetting themes. And there's totally a place for all that! But it really feels like that world right now is lacking the "a few dudes shot an independent movie and just had a ton of fun with it" factor. The world needs another Haggard (did I really just type that?) more than ever. Version 4.1 feels like a bigger budget Version 2 episode. That's all we can ask for, and it's been so fun to work on. We hope you dig it when it's done.
  • Piggybacking on that last point about the landscape changing... It definitely has for us on a more personal level. A LOT has changed since just the start of this very Patreon. When we started it, it really was just there as an extra thing on top of our other things we were doing... we never really intended to depend on it solely or anything like that. However, since then, everything has turned upside down. YouTube has become completely unstable (even more than before, if you can believe it). We typically avoid whining and moaning about YouTube as much as we can, because there's already so much of that going on. But honestly guys- they don't want stuff like ours there anymore. Straight up. They don't promote us and they de-monetize our videos for completely baffling reasons. We've lost so much of what we counted on there. It's honestly a miracle we had the foresight to get in on Patreon when we did. It (and by definition, honestly, YOU guys) helped us out a lot. You didn't just kick us some extra to make some extra stuff- you ended up keeping ALL cylinders of the machine going in some uncertain times. As we say again and again... we can't thank you enough. 
  • The Mega64 Book. We posted a little update about that on our Instagram the other day. Most of the text is there and written (across many pages... too many, honestly). Currently being edited. Gonna need a lot of that. Not really sure of an ETA but we'll keep you posted.
  • Spending a lot of time on bigger videos. Some great stuff to come.
  • Our biggest focus from 2019 to 2024 will be "Funny Factory" related content.
  • One of these updates is a lie.

Thanks once again for supporting us here at Mega64.




thank you for the update. are the cyber monday items in the same situation?

Travis Johnson

you guys rule, and as my ball buster film professor in college once said to chew me out, never apologize for your work. Your passion always shows through and I'm sure 4.1 will be no different. Keep up the great work!

Bill Murphy

Thanks for such a heartfelt update. Honestly, every year I am so happy you guys can keep doing what you love, and that there is a fan base here to support you especially with how destabilized Youtube and other streaming platforms have become.


Just want to say every year that flies by as we get older and you guys are still doing awesome stuff, makes me a happier fan and just a totally more stoked person in general. Keep up the good work can't wait for the future with Mega64!


Oh! We should have included that too. Your wait is almost over! Stay tuned!

Lindsay P

I don't get a ton of time to spend on media anymore, but I'm really glad that I live in a world where I know that I can load up one of your videos any time I need to laugh. Thank you so much for all you do. Your work is important to so many people, and has made a difference in my life more times than I can count. You're the best. <3


Good stuff!


I'm still sad funny factory is gone man. Thanks for the updates; since you guys rarely talk about youtube details, it's crazy to hear it's flipped you guys upside in a lot of ways. Honestly, a big reason I support you guys is just for the merch. Part of me is thinking of getting a second patreon account so can get doubles of everything for safe keeping :p

William Fink

Thank you for updating us on your current projects. I can't wait to see what Rocko, Derek and Sean are up to. Not to mention Dr. Poque, Horatio and Marcus!


Don't hesitate to keep sharing ways we can support you; I'm sure there will come a day when Patreon will go the way of Youtube and you'll have to move on to some other primary source of income for whatever reason. No shame in keeping your eggs in as many different baskets as possible, and the Bug Stunt induced self-awareness of trying to keep your podcast plugs as short as possible meant a lot. The Version 4.1 teaser you released kinda hyped it up to be a BIG MYSTERIOUS INTERNET VIDEO DEFINING thing (at least in my mind), but no worries, it'll be great no matter what it is and a big video every couple months is a fine pace if it comes along with all the other weird podcast stuff you do.


You guys probably don’t need me to tell you this but just keep creating stuff that makes you guys happy and I think your audience will be happy as well. Can’t wait to see what the rest of 2019 has in store for Mega64!


^ true internet soldiers only want the 64boiz to be a happy family until Shaun's kids take over the podcast haha


Seriously just upped my monthly donation thanks to this post. The transparency you boyz have with your audience is so refreshing, it's just one of the things that makes Mega64 the best content creators on the internet (along with the sick vidz). Can't wait to see what's to come!


While I'm upset that you lied about the 4.1 progress, I'm glad to see that the next half decade will be returning to y'all's funny factory roots.


Hope Australia Post isn't too slow :P


I just got the winter gift package and it was absolutely amazing, probably my favorite thus far! The 4.1 Update is appreciated for sure, but as long as the content is flowing I'm patient as can be. The extra stuff with Frank, Bryan, Kevin, and the boys on the twitch channel has been wonderful, in addition to the regular content flow. I'm also excited to see more Garrett on the horizon!


I miss funny factory


I think I’m eligible for the Vinyl and USB but I’m not sure. Is there a way I can check?