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Hey, remember how we just covered The Band when we talked about Bob Dylan? Shawn didn't... but he remembers now. Let's find out what about what these guys did after they parted ways with Dylan and how they managed to seemly invent a new genre of music with this. Let's find out if we like it.


Mega64 Record Club Ep. 60 - The Band - The Band(#57)

Hey, remember how we just covered The Band when we talked about Bob Dylan? Shawn didn't... but he remembers now. Let's find out what about what these guys did after they parted ways with Dylan and how they managed to seemly invent a new genre of music with this. Let's find out if we like it.


Jonathan O'Neal

I kinda felt the same way as you when I first listened to this album but it definitely grows on you the more you listen to it. As of now it's actually in my top ten favorite albums. Also fuck yeah Jawbone is also my favorite song! It has such a bizarre chorus - it's in 6/4 time signature which is like never used in popular music - but it works so well and the vocals are just so emotive and awesome.

Neil Steffens

Damn, Shawn is popular!

Sam Swain

On the topic of funny band names, there's an Australian band called "Private Function", always funny to see that on a bar's front door/the band room, confuses the public satisfyingly