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Shawn is once again joined by Jennie to talk about this 1970's classic album Hotel California by the Eagles! We talk about what we learned about the making of this album and the shocking live show Jennie witnessed when she saw them live.




Shawn just covered the band when he did bob dylans basement tapes lol

Mary and Steve

New Jennie lore dropping this ep makes up for how not-interested I was in this album. I’m hella biased though because Eagles reminds me of one of the worst managers I’ve ever had the misfortune of working with. When I wanted to commiserate about Bowie’s passing (they were a self-proclaimed ‘music person’ they were like ‘oh Glenn Frey was much more important/influential/etc. and Bowie was a joke.’) New Kid in Town and Life in the Fast Lane are the only songs I’ll see myself listening to after this. Life in the Fast Lane always reminds me of Steve Miller and I got sidetracked listening to Steve Miller Band singles instead of this album more than twice, oops!


I appreciate Shawn sharing with us how much he's opening his mind to new forms of media and choosing not to be a snob! Bring back SHAWNIME


jennie episodes are always the best

Mary and Steve

I’ll be thinking about them and that story all day 😂 I thought the next number sounded familiar, I was thinking we’d get Liz Phair too!

Paul LoBue

We love Jennie episodes, she’s basically the co-host at this point. But anyways yeah I’m sorry this album sucks lmao. This band is the epitome of shitty boomer rock. 1/5 for me. This next upcoming album is a lot better imo and is the same band from that Bob Dylan album we listened to a couple weeks ago.

Tyler Lajevardi

I thought this would be one of those albums where all the songs are part of the zeitgeist in one way or another, but that wasn't the case. I also thought this would be boring classic rock kinda stuff. I liked it! 3.5/5 for me. Creep is a good song but they have way cooler songs.

Austin Ryder

Great episode! I do think the audio is kind of off throughout with the song snippets - maybe because of how focused those mics are? Maybe an omnidirectional mic in the center could be a good way to catch the stuff outside of right in front of the mic; I don’t know too much about audio though


Yeah, the audio is crazy on this one, maybe it's because Jennie's mic is pointed at Shawn? edit: never mind I kept watching and there's still something going on after adjusting that.


I understand the nostalgic and personal connections to this generational album, but I grew up with an "Eagles suck" dad. He was right.

Sam Swain

5/5 record. All other opinions are wrong