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SO. I aint homeless anymore, woop. But let me get straight to the point..

Good news:

Finally, after so much time being taken up plotting scenes and stuff the animatic is FINISHED. this animation when its done will be like none of the other ones before, its got sooo many different shots and angles and many.. uhh... interesting visuals.. Heres the interesting part, the animatic itself, is 3 minutes long... Thats 3 whole minutes of mad shit. But, that leads me to the next point..

Bad news:

The animatic is 3 minutes long.. Which mean animating it will take some time, because i did a lot of the work in the animatic it shouldn't be too difficult, now i have to do backgrounds, animate it, do in-betweens then colour everything in. Which will definatly take some time, Which is why i'm only charging PER CREATION now, so that way i'm not just mindlessly charging you for the promise of content. But again, the bonus behind this is that everyone will see this a month before it goes online, and boy, its gonna be good..

So, to end on a nice note i thought id share with you guys one piece of content for this animation, here, seen below are the main characters for this animation. BEHOLD. YOUR PORNSTARS:

(p.s there are 280 shots in the animatic, just so you have an idea on how much drawing is going into this.. I also am a bit excited to post this so haven't spell-checked this whole post so sorry if i sound like an idiot)



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