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 Good morning friends!

I have a sly bit of early access for you today. Currently without adverts, until it's released to the general public (which may be later today, or later in the week).

Now, I know I've covered the Speccy's system story before, but those videos were a couple of years ago, and it's clear, even to me, that my video production has come some distance, and they really don't do this sensational system justice, nor tell the story in an acceptable level of detail.

So with the Spectrum's 35th birthday approaching, on Sunday, I thought we'd revisit the Sinclair Spectrum story, and this time, do it properly.

This is part 1, covering the "Sinclair Years", with part 2 covering the "Amstrad Years" to follow.


Sinclair ZX Spectrum Story - The Sinclair Years | Nostalgia Nerd

The ZX Spectrum holds a very special place in my heart. It's the machine I grew up with and which led me to creating this very channel. I've covered the Sinclair ZX Spectrum in the past, but frankly I didn't do it justice, so we're revisiting Sir Clive's iconic 8 bit home micro in detail, starting with The Sinclair Years in this two part documentary.



Excellent video again. I remember buying the 128K on launch day in a bundle with Daley Thompson & Never Ending Story...which I think might be the only traditional adventure game that I completed.

Nostalgia Nerd

Daley Thompson was a game I remember for 2 reasons. 1. It took an incredibly long time to load. 2. It ruined my joystick and numbed my O and P keys. But it was also one the the first games we loaded up for a gaming session.