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Hey folks,

So, finally, I have posted a new video. It's about the Star Trek eXtreme 3D system, and 3D glasses of the early 00's, but you can see that already. 

So, I thought I'd make this into a quick catch up post.

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the radio silence. I think taking a break after Christmas really reminded me how much I was in need of a break. But I've also been tidying up a few loose ends. One of those being my 2nd book, which is out in August this year. I haven't spoken about it really at all, but it's called "Nostalgia Nerd's Gadgets, Gizmos and Gimmicks" and it's all about personal tech from the 60s onwards. Kinda similar to "Retro Tech" in it's layout. Anyway, once the first copies of that come in, you'll be the first to know.

Secondly, I've been sorting things out in the office, including relocating a few things. It's still a bit of a state, but over the next few weeks, it should bring a new level of organisation which I've been sorely lacking.

Thirdly, I'm at One Life Left on the 9th/10th April. For those unaware, it's a gaming convention near Norwich, and the guy who runs it is very much into retro. For that reason, you will probably recognise a lot of YouTubers and social media folk from the UK retro scene who are going. If anyone is nearby, and able to go, it would be great to see your face.

That's about it for now. Business should now be getting back to usual, which includes a load of outstanding Patreon items which are due to ship out asap.

Thanks for your patience, and thanks for continuing to be here, even when I am not.

Much love,



Absolute State of This 3D | Patreon Edition




Great video 😊


Did they ship it with a pack of Aspirin? o.o