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Do you remember the Commodore PET Smartphone from 2015? Did you get one? 

Have you seen this new apparent "Commodore computer" being brandished about on social media by the same company, called Commodore Business Machines?

This is the great Commodore Brand Heist, and this video explores and unpicks the whole saga, including comment from the current Commodore brand owners.

This video was an absolute mammoth to put together, so excuse me whilst I go and lay down for a century.

In the mean time, please keep the content of this video under your hats until general release. Thanks.


The Great Commodore Brand Mystery | Patreon Edition | Nostalgia Nerd



GK64=Gaming keyboard, perhaps? Without the involvement of any original designers I don't really see how, regardless of legality, a product is desirable just because of a brand name. So, for things like this, I'd rather see, say, a[n almost] full-size PET (OK, I forget just how big they were) chassis with keyboard and screen built in and a mouse port for use with a Pi, for example (yes, I know, not imaginative). My point being that what made the C64 is now gone and just putting a C= logon on something doesn't make it better. This explains the need for italian accents too.

Nostalgia Nerd

Totally agree. Yes, it's almost certainly Gaming Keyboard. I think I saw it actually written as that somewhere, but by that point my brain was too fried to search for it again.


If you want to make another one like these you might want to check out Cloanto versus Hyperion, some insights are on Jens companies blog: https://icomp.de/shop-icomp/en/33/items/icomp-does-not-exhibit-at-amiga-34.html Maybe Jens is even open for a video interview. (And while you are at it you might want to ask him for his side of the C-One story. :) )