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Hey folks,

I hope you are all well.

Now that life is (somewhat) returning to normal -regardless of whether that's a good thing- and schools are going back in September, it means that I can start going to the office on a more regular basis again. It also means I can get back on track with Patreon stuff.

So thank you for bearing with me. Here's what's happening;


It has been difficult to continue uploading exclusive Vlogs onto Patreon, given that we haven't been able to go anywhere! That will resume as and when it can. But in the mean time, I thought I'd start doing some exclusive videos talking about how things are progressing in the Nerd office. For example, I thought it would be nice to talk about some of the equipment that you fine people have enabled to to add to my arsenal, and how that's going to help with video content going forward.


For those receiving this perk. I've mapped out a plan of action, which is essentially going to include about 10 videos. Each video is going to address a certain topic, such as, the YouTube algorithm, Equipment, Topics and Thumbnails, Audio, etc. The aim is to push them out one at a time, starting in September.


Boxes, Tees and stuff are firmly back on the agenda. I've got some orders waiting to come in, and then the next batch will be going out asap.


A bit like the MS-DOS badges, I've got some new enamel badges planned. Of course, you'll be the first to know when these are ready. The MS-DOS badges were, of course, a great success, and all profits were donated to the Centre for Computing History's campaign. I think it came to about £70 after all expenses were paid. Unfortunately, postage was a little more than I was anticipating. But excellent never the less.


The current video I'm working on is running a bit late. Mainly due to waiting on some items to arrive in the post, which were an essential part of filming. But it should be ready in the next few days. Then I've got a number of exciting things I'm working on, including a new system story - finally.


I've got some outstanding messages which I'm working through. So, if you've sent me a message, apologies, I shall get back to you asap. Email just tends to wear me down, and the spam gets in the way of the actually important ones. Like your messages.

Anyway, I think that's about it for now. Let me know if I've missed anything, or if you want anything. 

Thanks for your support, as always, speak soon.




Going to have to up my pledge to include that masterclass, I've been playing around with the idea of creating a YouTube series, and since I've really enjoyed the quality of your content, learning from how you go about it could only help. BTW, I have to say that between you, LGR, and Techmoan, I haven't turned YouTube off on my TV in a while, and your Amiga/Amstrad and Atari ST history videos have been amazing to watch.


Looking forward to it Peter! Did I qualify for an MS-DOS badge or not, I can't remember. If not, no worries. I watch so much YouTube now that the only TV I watch is with my breakfast.