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UPDATE: This doesn't affect all countries. It shouldn't affect UK residents, and it should be minimal for US residents.

Hey folks! So, I've got good news and bad news. 

The bad news is that Patreon is apparently adding sales tax in the next few days (they'll be emailing you) for Patreon supporters. I thought I'd give you a heads up beforehand.

BUT.... The good news is that I've spent the last few hours updated the categories so that the vast majority of it *should* be offset. So you shouldn't notice very much of a difference in your patron support cost, and I shouldn't notice much difference in my support.

I fully and completely understand if you want to opt-out, but hopefully, this helps alleviate your concerns. As ever, thank you so, so much for your continued support.

Side note: I've been upgrading a few pieces of equipment recently, one of those being my camera, to get some super sweet shots. That's down to you. So I hope it adds to the enjoyment of my videos going forward for you.

Speak soon,



Johnathan Seymour

Currently, my state is not on the list. But even when it is, I'll still be here. Don't think ¢7 on the dollar will break me. As long as I'm funding quality content it's money well spent.


Hell no im not opting out. Keep up the great work.