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Remember I asked if anyone wanted to contribute voice-overs to the Atari Falcon video? Well, the response was enthusiastic. But it's now time to begin putting things into place.

SO. I suggest to make it fair for all, that if you would still like to contribute, then pick one (or as many as you'd like) of the lines below, then email me at peter@nostalgianerd.com with #Falcon in the subject line, attaching (or linking to) your sound snippet. I'll need them by the end of the week if possible.

I'll then use some at random (as long as the recording is good enough) in the video, whilst trying to include as many people as possible.

I think you can infer the context for most of these lines (if not ask in the comments). Anyway, here are each of the lines  (only the parts in quotes - you don't need to say the person's name) and who said them;

Richard Miller (Atari President) - "You can never underestimate the consumer... so the computer should be just as good as the consumer's CD player, or television"

Jez San (Column writer) - "Really the point has been missed. It's all very well having extra colours, but what's the use if you can't display more on screen?"

Peter Molyneux (Bullfrog) - "I'll be very interested in developing stuff for it... I've prayed for this kind of move for a long time... The only qualm I have is the price of PCs is falling all the time"

Danielle Woodyat (US Gold) - "US Gold would love to produce software for such a sophisticated machine. However, we're going to wait and see what kind of price the machine is released at and which other houses support it"

Richard Eddy (Codemasters) - "It really does sound like a user's dream, but Atari have to be very clever to gain substantial support"

Mark Pearson (Protar) - "The Falcon could be a monster if marketed correctly. It must be pushed by Atari as a serious machine... Atari must not promote it as a games platform - that would be the kiss of death for the machine"

David Pleasance (Commodore UK) - "When we first heard about the Falcon, we were really worried as it was more powerful than [Amiga's up and coming machine] the A1200, but hearing they were trying to go head to head with the PC, we knew we had already won"

Kelly Sumner (Commodore UK) - "Liquidising stock with a view to dropping the thing altogether"

Sam Tramiel (Atari USA) - "We couldn't spend enough money to give the Falcon a significant market share compared to the PC. We're continuing to make computers and we will provide the nice markets that we're in. It was a very important decision for us... to downsize the company, lower our risk in the computer business and put ourselves behind the Jaguar"

Sam Tramiel (Atari USA) - "As a result of increased spending for marketing activities and until such times as shipments of Jaguar products are made in substantial volume, we do not expect to achieve profitability."

The next few lines are a simulated playground squabble..... Feel free to record yourself either as person A or person B.

Person a: "Errr, the 1200 can display 256,000 on screen colours from a palette of 16.7 million"

Person b: "Yeah, maybe, but that's in static HAM mode. The Falcon uses 8 bits to store data for each pixel, giving 65,536 animated on screen colours"

Person a: "Errr, yeah, so? The 1200 has REAL Multitasking..."

Person b: "So does the Falcon, MultiTOS is a fully pre-emptive operating system with adaptive prioritisation and inter process communication...."



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