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Does WhatsApp really have a backdoor? Thousands of MongoDB Databases have been deleted across the web, cardless ATMs sounds like a terrible idea, and Cellebrite got hacked!

It's also been a crazy several weeks with the US Government pertaining to digital privacy and security, but since that story is still unfolding, I'm not quite ready to wrap it up for Threat Wire. 

I got back yesterday from the convention in DC I was at, so this week I'm creating that RSS feed for all of you. Stay tuned, as it will be going live later this week.  As usual, you'll also receive an Audio RSS tomorrow along with the usual weekly episode to look forward to!

Thank you for your support! Now that the busy December / January convention and travel is out of the way, it's time to start working on making Threat Wire better for you each week!!

See ya tomorrow <3
