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So, admittedly, when I rescheduled my google hangout and live Q&A last week while I was sick, I forgot to actually move the events on my google calendar to today... And I missed my own hangout and livestream!

Oh well :( The best I can do is reschedule it now that I'm off my antibiotics and back to my peppy self! I'm flying up to Seattle this weekend on a work trip, so how about Tuesday?

New times: November 26th

Google Hangout for Olympus Fire Patrons: 4pm PST

Live Q&A for All Patrons: 5pm PST



No worries. Catch you next week.

Gareth Ross

Get well soon, thanks for the video. Was up until ,2:30am but for a whole nother reason. Kinda threatwire related in terms of the security or lack thereof of my mail. They've sent twice now this month tracked mail to an address only 10 miles away which shares the same first line of my address but a very different name of residence and Postal code (zip code) I'm W7 they're tw7 they have knowingly today signed for something and certainly pocketed the first delivery and likely today's too.


I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself, and get all the rest you need.


No worries and more importantly, relax/rest up and we all hope you start feeling better very soon!


I did wonder. Thanks!


You can't be expected to have a live hangout and only be partially alive.


I will gladly see you Tuesday. (wonders who gets the reference)


.... for a hamburger today :D