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This month's live Q&A will happen on September 12 at 10am PST. Thanks to your awesome feedback, this month I'm doing a morning (pacific time) stream so my international patrons can have a chance to interact. Also, if this doesn't work for your own schedule, hop on Discord and add any questions you'd like answered to the q-and-a text channel. The stream will be recorded and the link will be available here on Patreon after the fact.

I'll be streaming live for an hour that day and the chat room will be open to any ThreatWire patrons that want to participate!

Hope you can join me!



What's the discord link

Shannon Morse

Use the directions here to connect your patreon to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-new-23013634

Gareth Ross

think mine was connected to a temp web account not my application, how do i chance this?

Shannon Morse

You may need to contact Patreon to change it. Maybe you can disconnect and connect the correct account using the same link? https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-new-23013634