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This month's live Q&A will happen on August 21 at 9am PST. Thanks to your awesome feedback, this month I'm doing a morning (pacific time) stream so my international patrons can have a chance to interact. Also, if this doesn't work for your own schedule, hop on Discord and add any questions you'd like answered to the q-and-a text channel. The stream will be recorded and the link will be available here on Patreon after the fact.

I'll be streaming live for an hour that day and the chat room will be open to any ThreatWire patrons that want to participate!

Hope you can join me!



I hope to take part about a half hour into the stream.


Any idea what 9am pst is in Europe timing 🙄 also can one access the feed without a Facebook ACCOUNT? (I just do not lIke to have big CIA brother tracking all my personal data) 🤟

Shannon Morse

I unfortunately don't have the world times memorized, so I use this converter tool: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Shannon Morse

You can access Patreon without using a facebook account. I think when you signed up on patreon you have to create an account using a password and email, instead of authenticating it with OAUTH on facebook.


Thanks I got the time 6:00 pm London time 7:00 pm Paris time

Gareth Ross

PST is BST +8 5pm UK time, Paris time 6pm hope that helps. Europe is too large to specify without naming region xD

Simon Zerafa

Hi, https://time.is is my go to site for the time and timezone conversions