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Due to the craziness that is Cambridge Analytica and Facebook, I wonder... have you taken the leap and deleted Facebook entirely? Or have you taken a different approach? It's difficult to remove access to something you use to stay in touch with family or friends. So what did you do?


Stephen Robinson

I live in New Zealand, so they probably aren't paying much attention to what I think, and I'm smart enough not to take part in those surveys (well, I'm smart enough *now*)


I deleted my account a couple years ago. I should have poisoned my data beforehand, but ces't la vie.


Deleted my Facebook account years ago :D


I'm one of those people that reads literally everything before agreeing to anything. I also don't include things on my social media platforms that contains PII. I could instantly turn into a "ghost" if I wanted to as nothing really defines who I am on that level with social media. It is pretty bad on Facebook that this happened though.


i stopped using it in 2013 and deleted my account in 2014.

Shannon Morse

Thanks for the overwhelming replies to this poll!! I'm an auditor myself. I keep my Facebook clean of anything I don't want them knowing, and mostly just use it to post photos of travel, retweets from my public twitter account, and videos I do. I also admin a couple of pages, which requires a profile...


I don't use Facebook enough for it to be useful for data mining. I stopped using social media regularly long ago because of an incident where an unknown actor was attempting to social engineer myself and a friend at the same time, with considerably deeper information about the both of us then was publicly available, but it was clear "they" used social media to build a relationship map for the both us.


Dutch tv program launches bye bye facebook event. <a href="https://m.facebook.com/events/166972570787722/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.facebook.com/events/166972570787722/</a>


I've been practicing a very eclectic form of privacy by feeding-fake-information since I [re]started my account. :)