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Woohoo~! Our full studio rebuild in our new office is almost complete, with a few outstanding items. We've still got some networking issues to fix (the awesome Sebkinne is going to be helping with that), some lighting to perfect, some sound dampening to purchase and install, and decor to add - but the ThreatWire set is pretty much complete. 

To give our patrons an idea of what we spent the money on - we purchased a new camera, new tripods with wheels, some new cabling, several new lights, and a light grid (which you can see in this picture - the silver frame along the edges). We also bought some smaller items, including cable ties, adapters, and organizational items (velcro is my best friend).

We're still working on getting our Patreon up to our next goes to cover all of those expenses (yay credit cards), and to introduce the monthly Q&A for all patrons. 

With most of the work out of the way, and my visit with my new baby niece complete, you'll be seeing new episodes of ThreatWire starting next week on threatwire.net and youtube.com/hak5 !!!

Thank you for your help! I'm super exhausted (seriously, I've been napping after work which I never do lol) but so excited to bring you new coverage of security news!!





Good job! Did you get Seb's name right? Is it Sebkinne?

Shannon Morse

That's his screenname. ;) <a href="https://twitter.com/sebkinne" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/sebkinne</a>


Isn't he still in Sydney?


Looking good! (both you and the set ;) )


Wow! That's really gone up a notch. Set looks great. That feeling when your new equipment makes the same job better in every way :-)


Classy as! It's awesome to think I contributed the equivalent of one Velcro strap (Yay, Velcro straps are the best. Cable ties are the devil!) and via the magic of the internet between us its enough to make a studio!

Shannon Morse

Haha thank you! Every bit counts and you helped us purchase at least a few velcro straps ;)

