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It's very current at the moment, and there's lots of news about hacks, stolen coin, etc. Are you interested in this kind of news? Let me know!



Dude how long have you been in the Bitcoin space ? Don't give me shit noobs are getting rekt and a lot of gpus and other hardware that cost a premium right now still I believe is getting destroyed ....... Don't be one of those people assuming shit and getting people into something they are not ready to deep dive into and mitigate losses in hardware investment.. securing funds ... And taxes... Fuck taxes suck for me right now all the available tools suck .. but are you filing ?? Easy right since you speak as though you've been here since the beginning right ?


XRP is garbage the creator moved on to create the next garbage pump stellar


We need and are getting DEXs.. some are better and more liquid than others. Some are easier to secure than others even though there's not exactly ever 100% securing funds here


Have had at least 5 exchanges get hacked or exit scam me


Also inportant u should get on Chris Deroses show ... <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=6841386">https://www.patreon.com/user?u=6841386</a>


Like CNBC telling noobs to buy the top and also buy Bcash and XRP garbage ?


You seem plenty opinionated on this topic. Regardless of how the mainstream media covers this topic (which is bound to be as poorly as they cover any other tech topics), there is no shortage of objective coverage across the net. Hak5 is not about crypto currency, it's about cyber security. Those two topics occasionally intersect, which I'm fine with, but the vast majority of crypto currency news is not cyber security news. To the same extent Hak5 covers data breeches in other industries is the extent to which I would expect them to cover crypto currency. But no more.


Posting an affiliate link shows your bias, as you clearly stand to gain. Also, how can you trust any hardware wallet that is not air-gapped? Especially one that uses the USB interface? Have you not seen the show? Are you not aware of how much access you're giving to a device by plugging it in to a USB port? If you can't easily validate that the hardware and software are provably secure, you're taking a huge leap of faith. Unlike putting cash in a bank account, you have no recourse against loss if a hardware wallet steals your bitcoin, or even just eats it (due to hardware or software error, whether intentional or not).


I know the creator has a volatile past, but XRP is partnered with significant companies. Money Gram, Amex. With this in mind, it somewhat solidifies the integrity for new crypto investors. I agree with you, definitely a pump and dump altcoin pattern, but I’m wondering if this will sustain due to corporate perspective. At the end of the day, all these coins may not matter in the future, as the only real meat here is the transfer protocol. The blockchain is going to change everything is transit.


A tezor is basically one of the most noob friendly and best ways I personally have found to secure money as most people will leave it on exchanges overseas that will get hacked and money not clawrd back.. Obviously I am biased I'm not god but that is the best way i have found in the time spent in the space. As a non expert in said OPSEC and so on it is the way to go if you do some research on this I think you'll agree with me if it is secured carefully and best humanly possible. So let me do a socially considered no no of posting my affiliate link for what I consider the best currently available for all practical purposes for the non expert This shit is rocket science for normal people and once again I'd like to try to emphasise I'm average intelligence and ability so what you can learn in a year could take me 5 or never Tried to format this but patron doesn't come out well in text formatting for me and not sure if I'm responding to you directly as it won't let me click your reply


Above message was replying to ben


Wonder if binance just got hacked the groups are freaking out .. a hardware wallet like said trezor may not be perfect but damn that's a lot of people who store their shit on exchanges freaking out right now ... Sad but pain is the best teacher sometimes hopefully it's not hacked and they learn to secure a little more reliably

Stephen Robinson

Yes, but not too much. Just reinforce my prejudice that it's all a pyramid scheme and will collapse soon :-)


Wow.. sounds like you have some issues you should work out. Yeah taxes suck for sure. Hope you get that all worked out. You brought up bricking accidentally, so its a safe assumption that you think this is hard, or you've had problems in the past. Which is cool, who doesnt have problems when they start right? With literally hundreds of legitimate youtube videos and blog threads on the matter, one would assume that "Google" is a friend, and its not that hard. Right?


heres a 30 mh/s rom and setup on saphire 580's <a href="https://anorak.tech/t/sapphire-rx-580-nitro-8gb-hynix/4944" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://anorak.tech/t/sapphire-rx-580-nitro-8gb-hynix/4944</a>


here's a 30 mh/s rom and setup for the saphire 570's <a href="https://anorak.tech/t/saphire-rx570-nitro-oc-8bg-hynix/16446/5" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://anorak.tech/t/saphire-rx570-nitro-oc-8bg-hynix/16446/5</a>


with a community like this, we should come together and help each other.. dont be a Negative Nancy. Hak5 &amp; Threatwire (samething lol), asked if we wanted or have interest in Crypto.. I said yes. Please stop hating on my comment. Join in brah, have fun with me and the others. There's a pretty big community of modders here in St Louis, tons of guys are mining. In fact, have a friend that has a 10 rig setup, some have 6 cards, some have 8.. 1070ti's, 580's, and he just got one setup with 1080's.. its pretty killer.


building out another rig this weekend. Using MSI Armor rx 580 8gb's. Wish these things werent so damn overpriced. ROI is killer, but its a fun venture.


Now this is a very informative thread.. 31 mh/s is pretty nice <a href="https://anorak.tech/t/how-to-get-31-mh-s-from-sapphire-rx570-hynix-8gb/25157/2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://anorak.tech/t/how-to-get-31-mh-s-from-sapphire-rx570-hynix-8gb/25157/2</a>


yes not too much! please


<a href="https://www.coindesk.com/binance-cryptocurrency-exchange-resumes-services-as-system-upgrade-completes/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.coindesk.com/binance-cryptocurrency-exchange-resumes-services-as-system-upgrade-completes/</a>

Shannon Morse

@iwasphoenix please refrain from name calling and gaslighting in the Patreon comment space. This is a small, but growing community and I do have the authority to block users and will do so if I see reason to. Constructive discussion is fine, but calling people noobs or dicks is not. Consider this your warning. - Shannon


BTC, LTC, ETH, XRP. Since XRP is fully pre-mined, I’m wondering if newer coins will follow this pattern. This would allow full control of currency without difficulty in the equation, and allow new coins to take advantage of the blockchain without hap hazard processing.


Covering exchanges specifically might be interesting as well. History of bad vs good, like Mt. Gox, Coincheck, Cryptsy BTC-e vs. Cex.io, Coinbase, Bittrex.


I would like to `know the cause of each compromise. I bet most involve a compromised password.


In general, I feel like cryptocurrencies are already well covered (maybe even over-covered) by many outlets. As it is a hot topic within the community and industry at large it would be a disservice to not cover it all, but coverage should focus on only the most noteworthy stories with clear cyber security interest. Basically you should ask yourself, "if this was dollars or yen, would we be reporting on this?"


would like to see your builds with 1070 ti's , nitro+ rx 580's and rx 570's and how many hashes and sols you get


Don't accidentally brick your cards when you bios flash You need protection plans if u can still get them


what?? Im running two 6 card rigs right now with flashed bios'.. 31mh/s on 6 nitro+'s, and 30.8 mh/s on msi armors, rx 580's, 8gb's. Its super easy to do. Dont scare people away because you dont know what you are doing.