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Hey everyone! I just wanted to wrap up 2017 by saying THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Over the past year, you've contributed to making ThreatWire better and more professional than previously. Here's a list of just a few of the ways you've helped the show grow!

* We surpassed our goal to create a video RSS feed! https://shannonmorse.podbean.com/feed/

* We started a weekly audio version of the show! https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866

* I started a monthly hangout with Olympus Fire pledge level patrons

* We upgraded some of the lighting for the set

* And the biggest news: WE HIRED AN EDITOR!!!

All of these are just some of the factors that you've helped contribute to here on Patreon. I've got a lot more in store for 2018, so I can't wait to announce all the ideas I've come up with as we get closer to reaching those goals. Stay tuned, and thank you again for making ThreatWire a resounding success!





Cannot wait to see what the new year brings!


That's awesome Shannon! Can't wait to see what 2018 brings us all. Thank you for this show as well, I know I'm not the only one who looks forward to it. I learn a lot, especially when I'm too busy to read up on things, or miss things that you cover.


Have a great New Year all of the Hak5/Threatwire/Tekthing team :-)


If you are coming back to the AusCERT conference in May. G:link stage 2 is operational.