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Here's a pretty big one, it's getting very close to beta! The main remaining things are import/export, review some recent feedback, and testing testing testing! I'll (hopefully) soon release a scene for people who want to see some of the features in action.

- Export all layers of the current animation
- Allow using the same animation name in multiple segments (except shared segment)
- "Preserve length", same feature as preserve loops but for non-looping animations (when a transition is triggered, waits for the end of the animation)
- Blend in control weight against real position when only one animation is blending in (smoother blending when a control exists in one animation but not the other)
- Allow referencing external storable float params (same as external controllers)
- Keybindings map for Next/PreviousSegment
- Take speed into account when syncing scrubbing (other layers will scrub at a speed relative to the current animation)
- Create transition segment (new segment with a single layer containing all targets of all layers of the current segment)
- Specify the segment position when creating a new segment (first, previous, next, last)
- Sort external controllers, always show owned first
- Disambiguate control name in the targets list (show the atom for non-owned controls)
- Allow naming segment in use segment screen, correctly mark empty animation as non-segment
- Automatically suggest names in the create layer screen (e.g. split rHandControl and lHandControl will suggest Hands)
- Improve use segments, add targets screen
- Show when a pose exists in a default animation of the segment
- Fix control settings screen not working when two controllers with the same name exist
- Prevent crash if the playing animation segment is wrong somehow
- Fix popups opening after remove targets in add/remove targets screen
- Fix live parenting to work with segments like animation sets
- Fix animations screen showing [] when not using segments
- Fix copy segment not copying all animations of all layers
- Do not scrub shared layers when scrubbing a segment
- Multiple performance and memory improvements, lowered pressure on garbage collector (reuse objects, initialize UI only when shown, int dictionaries and comparisons instead of strings)


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