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I think Timeline 5 is now stable, and while I do have a few minor fixes and improvements planned, I think it's fair to let creators plan for their scenes that are using Timeline 5 earlier than later! So, September 24 Timeline 5 goes on the Hub!



Lilac bush

looking forward to it.... any tutorial? how to get started??


On the new features? I posted a few videos on the beta post, but I'm currently writing documentation (it's fairly time consuming). If you need tutorials on getting start with Timeline, check out the wiki and my youtube channel :) (Let me know if you can't find them)


Hello, I also use the person's movement animations (forward, U-turns, right, left, stop ....) it works very well with the MACGRUBER plugin (SpeechRecognition) and the movement animations of MeshVR, but the problem is that the ROOT PERSON does not move from its origin and therefore when I activate the "TIMELINE" animation, the animation is done on the ROOT PERSON, which is why I had thought of using "move mocap "but" move mocap "only works if we move the ROOT PERSON manually ... I tried to use" Detach Root Person Control "and make it follow the movement of the person but as soon as I deactivate it, either all by a spin (the dog running after its tail) or the ROOT PERSON arrives back to its origin ... if anyone has an idea ..... thank you Perhaps by creating another origin which follows a defined node of the person (Head ... Hip ...) when moving the VAM animations and which will be blocked and would serve as a reference during the animation of "TimeLine". ...


I also posted the problem on Discord


I saw you also posted this on Discord, it's going to be easier to answer there :) I'll follow up asap!