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Hey all!

Super quick update: the keybindings plugin is working _great_ with Timeline and I'm personally happy with it. I still want to add support for gamepads, since I won't release it before the next VaM release anyway (since the next VaM release will support overriding default shortcuts).

You can easily open a scene, and open fuzzy finding to run "Timeline:OpenUI" (e.g. by typing "timui<enter>"), and then navigate keyframes with ctrl+left and ctrl+right, move 0.1s with the arrows, use ctrl+x, ctrl+c and ctrl+v to cut/copy/paste keyframes etc. There are already quite a lot of shortcuts to navigate the menus, select items, and add atoms. There's also a nice history system so that if you have 3 atoms with Timeline, and select something else, and then use a Timeline shortcut, it will always affect whatever you have selected last. You can also select an atom by name.

Anyway, there's quite a lot in there for seasoned creators!

Next up will be Embody, for which I have made some limited progress. It's working, but I want to make Snug automatic and easy, including for more than two controllers. My goal is to just possess, or possess & snug, and if you do the latter, the setup process should take a few seconds. Snug makes a _huge_ difference and possession simply doesn't _work_ without it in my humble opinion but it's hard to setup and not super intuitive.

In the meantime, I did release a new (free) scene on Hub, check it out!

But all of this is a big excuse to send my best wishes to all of you, I know this is not the happiest of holidays, but if it's worth something, let me give you all a big virtual hug!



hi bubbles, I just got the freebie version of this today and already love it! However, is there a way to move a keyframe along a line once it's been made? Am sure you are familiar with blender, similar to how it works there where you can adjust keyframes separately along the time line


Hi there! Thanks! When you say, along a line, do you mean x (time) and y (value)? Due to limited space constraints (and limited time) currently all position and rotation curves can be updated at once but you cannot move individual curves. It's in the "list of things to eventually do" though it's no in the plans short term. What are you looking to do? I tried to compensate by adding bulk editing tools and other tooling, maybe there's something that could be helpful for your specific need :)


Hi bubbles I appreciate the reply, I understand how busy you are with this! To make my reply non-complicated I'll avoid any technical terms, as I'll probably get them wrong hehe. So the simplest animation, 2secs by default, I insert a keyframe change midway at 1sec. Watching replay, I decide it would be better if the inserted frame was moved along the timeline to 0.5sec. In blender I can click the dot placed on the timeline and slide it left or right to alter when it occurs, either in the dope sheet or in the main timeline. If this is currently not possible that's fine, but I'd hate for it to be possible but just not know how to do it. There are actually reasons I think this is a good addition to have, beyond rectifying mistakes: Say for example one makes a second pose, it is easier to move all the required limbs to where you want them and see how that final pose looks, but then to slightly adjust at what point in time each limb moves. A slightly staggered movement of each limb does give an appearance of much more natural movement than each limb moving at the exact same time, as limbs tend to move in life through a chain-reaction of movement, and not all limbs working at once. It is of course possible to enter each movement one at a time, but this is much more difficult way to achieve it. However I totally get that it is on the 'thing to do' list and would not dream of telling you where your priorities should be! But I hope this explanation at least better shows what I'm wanting and gives you food for thought, keep up the awesome work!


I completely understand :) Right now, you have some options: 1. Cut &amp; Paste to _move_ a keyframe 2. Bulk Cut &amp; Paste to move multiple keyframes 3. Crop @ Time (resize) to increase or reduce time between two keyframes

