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All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis. You can never be made to do something you would not want to do or have your consent violated by an audio recording. You can turn off this recording whenever you want, just like an audio book or movie.


This custom recording is an intense erotic fantasy designed for masochistic listeners. In this fantasy the listener is first brought into trance and then made to envision that they are in restaurant with me. I order bottle of wine for us to share but little does the listener know that I have spiked their drink and they soon fall unconscious. The listener comes to in some sort of wine cellar, naked with a leash and collar around their neck and their hands restrained behind their back. I then inject the listener with an aphrodisiac and start whipping them with a riding crop making them edge. Next I have the listener grovel before me and masturbate at my feet until finally I grind the heel of my boot into their back making them ruin their orgasm. I then drug the listener again concluding the fantasy. This recording has a full wake up command at the end of it.

The tone of this audio is very harsh and degrading.



I've rarely considered myself as a masochist before but I found my masochistic side after l listened to some of your files. It felt so good to find my true self! I'm really enjoying all of your sadistic files, Ultra!

Emerald Breeze

The tone of this one was amazing Master, this is one of my new favorite files. Please give us more, it was intoxicating 🥴

Rachel Lappert

Please make more of these. Perhaps with an anal focus?