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All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis. You can never be made to do something you would not want to do or have your consent violated by an audio recording. You can turn off this recording whenever you want, just like an audio book or movie.


So I have a little challenge for you. I have 3 little Hypno Booster Files and I want you to listen to one of them right before you touch yourself. You should have a minute before you pleasure yourself right? You don't have to be hypnotized after the file you just have to listen to the file before you touch. Do this as much as possible. Oh and I will be adding more Hypno Boosters in the future also. Finally you can just listen to these files for fun, you don't have to touch afterwards if you don't want to.

The file in the Patreon Media Player is an intro file that explains the concept and then goes straight into Hypno Booster 1.



Erica Houston

These work so well on me, especially Hypno Booster 3. Would love to see a longer version of such a fast paced file.


These are great! I hope you do make more of them-- would be neat to have a long playlist of them to randomize.