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This recording is another live session. If you are interested in getting your own live session with me UltraHypnosis please feel free to email me at ultrahypnosis@gmail.com with a detailed description of what you would like and what time zone you live in.

The recording is a Toy Training session and it builds off the foundation of the the previous Toy Hypnosis files and has direct mentions of a spandex suit for Toy to wear and it also mentions stockings. This file could be enjoyed by anybody but it does have more of a focus on content that would be more appealing to women. The listener is referred to as a Toy and  Clockwork Doll and they are heavily fractionated with the trigger from the previous session.

Please be able to move freely for this session because there will be some posing and hypnotic bondage.

The listener is given suggestions that distort their perception of time and arousal. Their mind is changed into that of clockwork when they are hypnotized and made into a music box when they are awake focusing on doing their best out of trance so they can spend more time in trance. The suggestion that hypnosis is pleasure is given, and the listener is told that they are being constantly brainwashed deep inside their subconscious mind even while they are conscious and out of trance. Suggestions are also given to be unable to resist hypnotic suggestions as long as the suggestions would not cause harm or damage to Toy's mind. 

Session #1 Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/toy-training-1-86609004




Part 2!! Y’know I didn’t start this off with a doll kink, but would be lying if I said this wasn’t convincing me to consider one. 🤔 I absolutely l o v e the phrase “music box mind” to describe the veneer of personhood when conscious—it has such a nice ring to it. And with the clockwork aesthetic and the wind-up mechanism and the gears having a clutch if a command doesn’t agree with the toy… dang, I can see the appeal. The toy becomes a work of art—unique and filled with delicate, precise craftsmanship to be tinkered with. Lack of personhood isn’t usually my jam but to be this lovingly cherished object? Sign me up! Also delighted to hear Ultra pretending to be a newbie hypnotist, that was super cute lol


I second that, newbie hypnotist bit was cute <3 also the time distortions, super fun I'm definitely warming up to them a lot more