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Hey everybody, I (Ultra) am going to be doing a recording session in a few hours and I feel like taking few requests for topics. If you have a topic you would like recorded by me just post them down below. I will pick a few and see what I can make with the prompts. If I don't pick your idea don't worry, I will probably do something like this again in the future.

Also everybody please be kind and respectful to anybody who posts a request. Any negative comments between patrons will not be tolerated.




I have a rape fantasy or orgasm with multiple men.


Cat induction hypnosis with yarn for relaxation


Something having to do with being and trance and “awake” at the same time. Also having to complete tasks in that state as well. Maybe a fixation file


maybe tie something in with that milk maden recording of Fionas like you could be the hiring manager for that cafe that could be intresting


I'm always a sucker for brain drain/intelligence reduction but tied to other things. So like the listener is forcibly edged, but with each edge they can feel their mind being pulled away as well.


I would love to recommend doing another one brainwashing helmet one or like the AI but it’s your voice. Also another idea would be like another experiment where the listener gets drugged.


Wholeheartedly support the drugging and asset of the agency 3 suggestions~

Kevin Bauer

Hypno from Fiona to be more submissive, obedient to my Mistress, and happy. Obviously not for today, but I’m not hearing her voice as much as I’d like. A long recording would be even better, and I don’t care if it repeats. Her voice is so relaxing to me!


I wouldn’t mind remixes of some earlier work. The older scripts are very good, but your improved equipment and use of subliminal messages really make the new ones into a real addictive mind fuck. There sure are a lot of references above to people being turned into toys, dolls, puppets… what about mannequins? And the way limbs just… fall off of them? Dismemberment does sound fun. Or maybe turned into a robot and then switched off? What are Things That Look Human But Are Not Human? Ooh, a video! With rewind functionality! Although tbh you could transform me into a teacup and I’d still be happy.


Would love another sleepyhead mindmelter or a good pup mindmelter file. Love the multi-layered files and the soundwash of those types of files.

good boy

i dont know if im too late but i would love some more mind control or brainwashing content, anything that takes control of my thoughts and puts it in your hands feels really good.

good boy

oh! a boy/gendernuetral version of pussy full mind empty where its ass full mind empty would be amazing, i know its an older recording but ive wanted an anal version of it for years, especially if it had a lot of suggestions about being submissive, that would be amazing.

J. C. Holder

Dronification would be fantastic. That and another file to have in the background while gaming. Maybe something genre specific.


I might be too late, but how about enslavement brainwashing


Hi Ultra, New Idea of fantasy roleplay: A (tricked) pact between the listener and a mythical being in a ominous place. Place: In a ominous place (cave, old castle, catacombs, abandonned place of worship, etc.) Audio lenght: Long (more than 30 min.) Story tone: uneasy, sensual/sexual?, persuasive (to trick to listener), etc. Details: The listener (female/genderneutral) goes to a ominous place to meet a mythical being (demon, vampire, genie, fallen angel, or else). They intend on making a deal/pact to gain something (supernatural power, immense knowledge, long life, etc.) or/and to save/help someone (friend, village, tribe, etc.). The mythical being tricks them (through a tricked game, hidden rule/concealing a detail of the bargain, physical force or magical force). The listener has to hold their side of the bargain by sacrificing something (years of service, soul, mind, etc.), but the mythical being does not (like did not offer supernatural power, long life, etc. or at least offers it partially or at a hefty price) The listerner tries to flee, fight off the mythical being or/and cancel the bargain, but can't (the tricked deal has already been made). Note: The specifics (story tone, the introduction of the mythical being, transition parts, ending, etc.) are of course up to your imagination!


I love the hypnotic gas and drugs, and the fake out wake up calls to only be dragged back into trance super fast. love those!!


Where is Fiona? More from Fiona please


More pet training would be nice, I don’t think I’ve seen a ‘statue’/‘frozen in place’ kind of one either. I think resistance play is also super fun and your voice in general is really good for teasing and mocking


humiliation and your laughs are amazing!!


Where is Fiona?


Fat woman transformation would be cool


I'd like to see more tentacle stuff if possible


I’d love background subliminal messages I can listen to all day while working. I just became a subscriber and am trying to catch up and learn as quickly as possible. Mold me.