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All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis. You can never be made to do something you would not want to do or have your consent violated by an audio recording. You can turn off this recording whenever you want, just like an audio book or movie. 


This Recording is made possible by the Hypnotic Philanthropists Jordan Martin and James Europe

Length: 24 Minutes

This recording hypnotizes the listener to feel a powerful sexual energy emitting from their own hand, in order to experience a single touch orgasm. This recording can be a training tool in building up to a purely hands free orgasm. The more experience you have with hypnosis, the more powerful the effect with be. The best advice for achieving a hands free orgasm, is to keep practicing being more deeply hypnotized. It is highly recommended to be naked when listening to this recording.   

Due to requested descriptive language in this recording, this recording is for male listeners.

Dominance Tone Level:  Neutral  

 Thank you for your support and have a great day.

Back Up Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8w-K3rJwO-MZERLS1hvSGVPOGc

This Recording is made possible by the following:

Blue Violet
JOHN craig
Scott Waller
Kayla Thompson
Stephen Atkin
 Georgina Giroux
Sam Sara



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