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Full List of Ultra's NSFW Files:   https://www.ultrahypnosis.net/ultraList.html

All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis. You can never be made to do something you would not want to do or have your consent violated by an audio recording. You can turn off this recording whenever you want, just like an audio book or movie.

This short loopable hypnosis recording is designed to strengthen the listener's fascination and fetishization of hypnosis. The is recording contains multiple suggestions to crave to be hypnotized more and even more deeply than ever before. There are also suggestions to find that being hypnotized can be more pleasurable than touching yourself.

Back Up Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17WueZvQiwt5syrn-1wyCkfEN6yUyZYjU/view?usp=sharing

This recording was make possible by the following Inner Spiral Members:



Omg this is so good. I finally got around to listening to it. I loovveee the fractionation. And the almost-mantra of it. Every time you said "more hypnosis" it's like my mind automatically replied "deeper hypnosis" and it felt so good! I got tingles on head, like asmr, and I loved the countdown and the implanting suggestions thing as I went deeper. I feel like your files just get better and better and the content is just so high quality. Tho I wish Patreon allowed looping on mobile, even downloading it, I'm not sure how to loop it on my phone through Google drive etc


Ditto to what Skylar said, I’m also mobile only at this time and I would love to figure out how to make this file loop. Having to consciously rewind it for another go isn’t quite as fun. :( If anyone has some tips or a workaround please let us know!!


@Skylar @katsancheese. I would not call it a workaround but I use a media player (for example: VLC for android) after downloading the file from Patreon. Most (at least the free ones worth downloading) have the option to play on a loop and/or repeat the file in a playlist. Hope this helps.