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Hello Inner Spiral,

This is another update to check in with you all. We haven’t done one of these since February.

Upcoming Fiona Files:

Human Furniture Themed File

Lactation Fetish Themed File

Split Consciousness Automated Sex Experience

Cock Cage Slave File

Spiral Forced Masturbation

Upcoming Ultra files:

Female version of the recent Humping Orgasm file

Brain frying HFO experience

Fantasy based file where the listener is a thief who is captured by a sorcerer

Pawn in a game of chess transformation (Working on a title that sounds good for that)


So in the Feb. update we mentioned that we did an interview with BuzzFeed (turned out to be Buzzfeed Unsolved). We were off camera, voices only- no face reveal.  The final product was a bit different than what we expected. We interviewed for about 2 hours, and in the end only a few statements were taken which fit the spooky narrative.  We’re pretty neutral about it all, perhaps a bit disappointed that it wasn’t more informative about the positive aspects of hypnosis which we mentioned during the 2 hour interview. So it is what it is. Hopefully some people will come into the community slightly more aware of possible dangers.


This is the personal update portion. So just like last time, if you want to keep us as purely erotic sex-phantoms in your head, perhaps stop reading this and go masturbate to a file now.  This involves our real lives as living-breathing stressed out humans.

Since Feb we have traveled down to Southern California twice for our son’s medical treatment. He failed one test, but passed it during our second trip. This has been insanely stressful, but in the long run it will be game changing. We go back down again at the end of May.

Moving on, since March we started house hunting. Yes, the market is crazy.  Due to many factors we decided to start searching despite the current state of the market.  We put in an offer on a house, and so did 6 other people. We lost out because someone waived contingencies.  That stung a little.

We put an offer on another house recently and that offer was accepted. We didn’t have to do any crazy bids or waive any contingencies. The home needs a little work, like painting and new flooring, but the price reflected that. It’s in a good location, and it passed inspections.  It’s a 3 bedroom, and Ultra is already planning on buying a sound booth for the 3rd room.  That’s all the details we feel comfortable going into at this time.  So we have to plan a move again soon upon closing.  We’ve been really fiscally conservative, so this is a thing we can take on, even if the market swings back down.

The 3rd major thing going on in our lives is that K.C. injured her back at the end of March. Ultra has been running the household all on his own while she recovered. Her back improved, but then got worse again. K.C. just started physical therapy, and we are hopeful she can fully recover. This has put us behind on nearly everything.


So we’re going to be very occupied with the house while we remodel and move into it. We can still make files, it will just be a little sporadic.  But once we are settled we’re looking forward to getting back on to a more regular work schedule.  Right now we are living in a lot of chaos.

We’re looking forward to investing properly into a sound booth within this year.

As far as new projects K.C.  has been thinking of writing a screenplay featuring erotic hypnosis.  The hope would be to submit it to actually be made into a movie. If you have a Netflix/Amazon Prime corporate connection- hook us up!

Ultra is also hoping to start work this year on an interactive voice controlled software that would listen to vocal prompts from the subject and change the trance based on their answers.

We’ll have a better idea of the future once we’re in our new space, and back on a regular routine.

Thank you all so much for your support. We feel so incredibly grateful.

  • Ultra & K.C. (Fiona)


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