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Full List of Fiona's NSFW Files:  https://www.ultrahypnosis.net/fionaList.html

All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis. You can never be made to do something you would not want to do or have your consent violated by an audio recording. You can turn off this recording whenever you want, just like an audio book or movie.

Hi everyone.  Read the description, please. This is NOT A BEGINNER file! This is another medical themed file. I realize one of my other recent recordings was also somewhat medical themed. If you are new here, I do a wide range of topics outside of medical topics. This file was inspired from a comment by an Inner Spiral patron.

Definition of Invasive:

  1. (especially of an action or sensation) tending to intrude on a person's thoughts or privacy.
  2. (of medical procedures) involving the introduction of instruments or other objects into the body or body cavities.

This hypnotic audio guides the listener through an invasive non-surgical medical procedure. Involves: urine sample, anal probe, oral probe, brainwave reading helmet , drooling and secret-thought extraction all via a large smart-room medical machine, named Lisa, and Nurse Fiona.

There is nothing directly erotic about this audio (i.e. no suggestions of arousal, although there is a muscle test which requires clenching and releasing).

This uses the new trigger phrase from Fiona’s latest hypnotic induction video- Clear & Deep. The trigger phrase is used and then the audio jumps right into the fantasy. If you need more of a warm up, it would be good to listen to another file right before this one.

In regards to the hypnotic urine sample collection suggestions: I can not accurately say how this will affect you.  There is the suggestion to urinate for the medical collection. It would be best to prepare your surroundings should this hypnotic suggestion be physically successful. But it is perfectly acceptable to interpret this as feeling the sensation only, and not actually physically urinating.  Outcome might be influenced by having a glass of water 30 minutes before listening to the trance.  FYI, this is not directly related to instructions in this audio file, but it is a good time to remind people, do not chug extremely large amounts of water- that’s dangerous. If you’re going to drink liquids before this file to influence your in trance reaction, keep it to a normal amount of liquid. If you want this to be successful, listening to a warm up trance will help.

The Procedure Is Invasive Hypnotic Fantasy Plain Vocal Version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z2uyC2PiSEzPrbCTIqF0R-rffgXoVrj8/view

The Procedure Is Invasive Hypnotic Fantasy Isochronic Version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1va3nYIV0BzVxWE7JKIkDguJVRAwGzxZ_/view

The Procedure Is Invasive Hypnotic Fantasy Binaural Beats Version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1djz9zUP2xQlABgwUIxqeqakykD91dDaC/view

This recording was make possible by the following Inner Spiral Members:



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