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All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis. You can never be made to do something you would not want to do or have your consent violated by an audio recording. You can turn off this recording whenever you want, just like an audio book or movie. 


This Recording is made possible by the Hypnotic Philanthropist: Jordan Martin

This recording forces male listeners to into a deep arousing hypnotic trance.  The listener's ability to orgasm is taken away until certain instructions are completed.  Only start this recording if you are willing to complete whatever the mystery task is.

This entire experience comes in 2 parts. Attached are 2 recordings to download. They both start the same but each has a different ending. The first download option (Version 1) comes with Fiona's suggested Part 2 already inserted into the recording, making one long seamless trance.The second download option (Version 2) contains only Part 1, and after completing Part 1 you will choose and select your own Part 2,  midway through the experience, all while staying deeply entranced.

Version 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k6bNhKxmwjjXUNM2A0bGl064u-fZpNHp/view

Version 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/170DHf3SOBLEjuKJZoM8RbZ6MVpBuvE1E/view

This recording was made possible by the following:

Blue Violet




Sam Sara




Wow, not normally my type of recording, but the induction is just so clever and well delivered I could not resist, so good thank you. Steve.


It's a good surprising combination recording. I like the way the 2 are linked, very clever and subtile


As a straight guy I've been carefully avoiding gay erotica or porn for many years. But I usually listen to the intro of all of Fiona's clips just to know what they are about, even if I don't plan to undertake the full experience. With this one I was caught off guard and before I could stop the recording I was under. This clip has definitely changed me, broadened my horizons (so to speak) and, as much as I try to avoid it, I feel drawn to go back to it again. I have to confess that the content and the way Fiona takes you over is extremely hot.


Realizing there is already the amazing indulgent good girl files, I wonder if there would be a female hypnosis NSFW version of the "forced" experience but this time lesbian?


So much good in this file! It's been ages since I've tranced that easily. I loved how she took control so quickly. This was really well laid out.