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Full List of Fiona's NSFW Files:  https://www.ultrahypnosis.net/fionaList.html 

All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis. You can never be made to do something you would not want to do or have your consent violated by an audio recording. You can turn off this recording whenever you want, just like an audio book or movie.       

In this recording Fiona takes on a playful Mistress role. The listener is taken into a deep trance and given brainwashing suggestion to associate pleasure with obedience. Fiona's control is demonstrated by suggesting the listener lightly grips their own throat with their hand hand while the rest of their body is hypnotically paralyzed. Masturbation suggestions are given. One particular "hidden suggestion" is given within the recording to enhance the orgasm, and this suggestion also suggested to be consciously forgotten by the hypnotic subject. There are no lingering effects from the "hidden suggestion".  Additionally, positive suggestions  are given to feel more comfortable assuming a submissive role during playtime. 

Back Up Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kssDU2SNzAgg2LJZy0ka7HnaAkgWclZs

This recording was make possible by the following Inner Spiral Members: 




It was an amazing file that I enjoyed immensely. I waited anxiously to hear this new file and it is an honor to listen to my mistress's voice.


Thank you mistress


Wow ...mind blown . Devastatingly powerful .