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A few hypno themed Patreon accounts have been put under review over the past 2 weeks. There was an article about it here: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/patreon-hypnosis-porn-ban-sexual-violence/

The most significant aspect of the situation is that for the first time ever Patreon mentioned the term “hypnosis” in a list of restricted content.  This has panicked a lot of people within the community. 

We encourage everyone not to panic, and here’s why:

None of the Patreon accounts from the article have been fully taken down (or banned). They were restricted for a while but they are all up now, and it appears only 2 out of the 3 involved had to remove any content. 

Patreon made a response to the author of the Daily Dot article.  Patreon said, “[A] violation of our policy is when hypnosis is used as a coercion mechanic for nonconsensual [sexual content], typically in a fictional scenario, at which point we consider it to be a glorification of sexual violence,”.

Not all kinky hypnosis is being targeted.  Only hypnosis which may have more extreme non-consent scenarios.  In addition, “hypnosis” has not been formally mentioned on Patreon’s official Terms of Service as a restricted topic.

In this current phase, Patreon seems to be very eager to help Patrons become compliant within their guidelines. Again, no one was banned (to our knowledge), the 3 accounts from the article are still standing. Patreon makes a lot of money off of NSFW content. We believe they know it is in their best interest to keep NSFW content creators on the platform.

We have made ourselves very much known to the Patreon staff. We wrote a Trust and Safety Team member last week after the first restriction happened- we outed ourselves as kinky hypnotists, and we’re still here.  We have repeatedly told Patreon staff members over the years that we do kinky/fetish NSFW hypnosis content, and they have been cool about it.  

It is possible that the new events represent a change in Patreon’s mentality, but that remains to be seen.  Only a few months ago we attended an online Patreon workshop for NSFW creators, and they as a company seemed very aware that there is smut on their platform. We did not get the impression that they are shying away from that. 

Their main restrictions are no pedophilia, no incest, no bestiality, and no rape (non-consent). These are not bad standards for a company to have. In addition, Patreon is also super picky about NSFW content not being free & public facing, which is the main reason we have seen accounts get restricted in the past.  Also we can’t clearly say yet whether the affected Patreon accounts weren’t breaking other Patreon guidelines.

Obviously it is going to get strange when you are dealing with situations which are purely imagination driven. It brings to question what counts as “depictions”.

This being said, just in case everything disappears tomorrow check out our website www.ultrahypnosis.net or our YouTube channel.  We’ll post updates there.

Remaining on Patreon for the immediate future is our goal.

If we need to adapt to change to new restrictions regarding perceived non-consent, then we will adapt. We can make hot, fascinating content that can be compliant with Patreon’s standards (should Patreon ever clearly outline those regarding the hypnosis kink world).  This will just force us to use our creativity more.

We’ve already removed a few questionable files from the Patreon archive on our own.  They will find a new home elsewhere. We encourage all Patrons to download any mp3s that you want archived for yourself, just in case Patreon decides to prune our account.

Also, some of you may have noticed that we have started adding a “Consensual Fantasy” label, along with a consent & safety statement, on many of our Patreon files.

We want it to be clear, each and every one of our files should be fully consensual in a functional sense. Even if not clearly stated, you have permission to wake up at any point if you feel uncomfortable or uninterested in continuing to listen.  You always have the power to turn off a recording or to reject suggestions. There may be fantasies within these recordings which deal with a perceived loss of control, but the reality is, the listener is always in their own personal state of control. 

We don’t know what distinction Patreon will make in regards to what levels the consent applies to : the fantasy or the function, but regardless, we want it clear, you can always opt out, just like you opt in for all of our recordings.

So with all this said, we are continuing on as normal, but with a bit more creativity and mindfulness about how we frame “control”. 

We welcome all our Patrons to leave a comment on this post about how erotic hypnosis has benefited you. Additionally, how do you feel about having the right to choose to participate in risky themed hypnosis scenarios?  



There’s a lot to be said for the under the radar sensuality of files like Slave Reset Training, Inner Voice Conversion, commands like I Must Follow etc. etc. Subjugating the male ego and enslaving one through cognitive retraining, mantras and commands go, at least for me, a long way vs the more overt masturbation files. Commands to masturbate are enjoyable but the intense retraining and brainwashing are far more erotically powerful and wouldn’t piss off the Patreon/Facebook/Internet overlords.


Hello! I just want to say that I've always appreciated being aware that the listener can break trance at any time, and that is a level of consent which we have total control over regardless of the scenario in any recording. I think that makes erotic hypnosis so much more fun. Personally, I have learned a lot about myself through the process of listening to your content. This is both on a *kinky* level, as well as a personal one. Hypnosis overall has been a benefit to my creative abilities, as well as my ability to let go. Patreons choice to update their content policies is entirely valid, as it is their business and platform, but I think y'all do a great job of, well, doing what's right and responsible.


I have been listening to erotic hypnosis for 5 years, I have listened everything available .. also on litherotica. . .and warp my mind ...nothing that is said will ever make me do things I don't want ,I am very disturbed by the restrictions lately, from the USA . .it bothers me big time , I am an adult woman and NOBODY TELLS ME WHAT I CAN'T AND CANNOT SEE OR HEAR, WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE . .A BUNCH OF PATHETIC SCHOOLTEACHERS? WELL I AM NO SCHOOLKID ANYMORE!!! And they make money out of it . .I mean how hypocrite can you be...but anyway ..I am glad I am not an American ...personally I think the dem.party is more hurtful to listen to or watch than xxx porn..but hé that's my opinion..I love Trump..I like Alfa men...we need them in the world....(soft doctors make stinking wounds !! ) And by the way.. .July 4th gonna be the best independence day for the USA ever..mark my words, you ain't gonna believe it when I tell you !


Erotic hypnosis -- yours and Fiona's specifically -- has had major impacts on my sexual life and has made me a more accepting person to sexuality as a whole. At first I was still awkward about fetishes, but I didn't realize how widespread kinks surrounding hypnosis and overall bdsm were until I came across your more risque content on Youtube! I hope you two continue providing positive experiences to newcomers in hypnosis like you have with me and (I'm sure) countless other fans! For more riskier content, I usually read the description first and make sure a recording is up my alley before jumping in. Even if something is slightly pushing it for me, I am able to snap out of the trance and take off my headphones when a scenario is making me too uncomfortable, and there's never any negative effects that linger afterwards. I can't speak for everyone, but that's how I personally experience it. I look forward to the new content you plan to bring in the future, and respect that you two have been able to provide us with so much creative and diverse content over the years!


and you may remove my comment if it's too political! 😒


Have always been aware and it has been stated, that we can stop, disengage or turn off anything not to our liking. I enjoy the wide variety and feel that censorship in this kind of setting is unnecessary

Anonymous Coward

I am still looking for a hypnotic recording that renders me unable to stop listening if I got disturbed. Patreon is severely overestimating the power of recorded sessions.


You dominate the erotic audio hypothesis category bar none, you are extremely transparent about the content of the audio’s before we decide to listen, it’s always consensual, and some people want to experience the marvels of hypnosis in a safe environment. Your Hypnosis has steadily helped me decrease my anxiety, and we always have the override with our will power, but what you offer is genuine pleasure, and I love it🙂


You've always been clear and above board about what each file involves and how it should ideally affect the listener. You're also incredibly good at what you do, and even though I often commission files with a fantasy/therapeutic background, I love straight-up erotic hypnosis too. You cater to a wide variety of tastes and a lot of people enjoy them, and have built a career around immersive fantasy and well-written hypnosis. You've helped me with my mental health and wellbeing too, and erotic hypnosis has been a part of that. Thanks for the update and asking the community to chime in on this!


Thank you for sharing this information with the erotic hypnosis listening public. I do understand that Patreon must protect itself from cases where children are involved. Thank you Patreon. Same for goes for non consenting anything. I appreciate this. But hypnosis as in slave training, brainwashing , and control etc., is something you both are exceptionally talented at. Any content is only pointed in the listener’s best interest. Erotic hypnosis has given me the ability to relax, except and enjoy discovering new and diverse sexual content. I feel the listener is safe and you are responsible as to disclosure of the content they choose to hear. Patreon would be at a very large loss if they chose drastic measures to stop allowing the publishing of Erotic Hypnosis. Especially yours. Between the two of you, I gave never been more confident and excited about life and my sexuality. Thank you Ultra and Fiona please keep up with your fantastic content and work.


Erotic hypnosis has improved my life in a number of ways. Probably most importantly, relinquishing control over myself has pushed me to improve: visualizing myself as property places an imperative on me to care for myself for the sake of maintaining that property's value, rather than for any internally-motivated reasons. That may sound odd to vanilla ears, but submission is the most effective, and certainly the most pleasurable, path to self-improvement that I have ever experienced. Hypnosis has also allowed me to get back in touch with aspects of my sexuality that had grown dormant (or worse, toxic) in the face of the challenges of chronic illness. Pre-recorded sessions in particular provide a safe space to explore what might otherwise be unavailable to those of us isolated by circumstance. Kinksters can be an easy target for prudes - who, ironically seem to want to control others' behaviour regardless of consent. I firmly stand by the rights of everyone to make their own choices with regards to their bodies and minds, so long as it is Safe, Sane, and Consensual (or if you prefer, so long as they practice Risk Aware Consensual Kink). While we may be pariahs in some circles, the kink community has a lot to teach society on the subjects of consent and communication and I refuse to be ashamed of my own desires or of the community that embraces them. Things become slightly more convoluted when private companies are involved, particularly when the laws that govern those companies may not belong to the same country as the consumers of that companies' products. But that simply means that we as consumers must make our case and be ready to withdraw our support from platforms that do not stand by our rights to self-determination and control. It is not my place, nor Patreon's, nor any other platform's, to tell someone what to do with their body and mind. I guess it's time for me to grit my teeth and begin the mass-download that I've been putting off for some time. I'm curious if you can tell us what files have been removed, and what platforms you'll be moving them to. Also, 42.


Chalk this one up to my tendency to be overly verbose (still not sure whether that is a good thing or a bad thing) but I feel like my previous comment overstates the power of the consumer in this fight. It's hard to "vote with your dollars" when there were no viable alternatives. I did pro dom work up until a few years ago when we found ourselves unable to retain a payment processor. We (a small group of independent dom/mes focusing on denial and control) limped along on bitcoin for a while, but the writing was on the wall. Obviously some time has passed, but I'm not convinced that credit card companies have become radically more permissive in the interim. Perhaps if enough creators banded together, a new platform could be established to protect against this issue in the future? Patreon may well continue to be a reliable payment processor for years to come, but it may be useful to consider all contingencies.


The first paragraph fits perfectly to how I feel too. I only found erotic hypnosis a few weeks ago, but it helped me get out of a down phase in wich I was not able to really enjoy sexual activities as much as I was used to. Those recordings helped me out of that and I am very thankfull for that.


I only found erotic hypnosis a few weeks ago, but I always was aware that I could stop at any time if I would not feel safe or entertained, so it never got to the point where it would become uncomfortable or unsafe in any way. I wont panic about this, but I really dislike how many sites handle kink and LGBTQ+ content, especially after tumblr. Ultra and Fiona, thanks for your content and thanks for keeping us updated. <3


Yupp, Hypnosis seems to still be a restricted topic. I couldn't find you or any other hypnosis based creator with patreon's search function and hat to go to your profile directly to pledge for you (which I unfortunately will not be able to do soon...). It is kinda funny how you marked your more "kinky" files as consensual fantasies, though. Seems like there actually is a reason to at least take some safety precautions.


Ultra and Fiona's erotic hypnosis has been nothing short of a marvel for me. I had experiences growing up that left me with guilt and fear related to sexual experiences. This followed me through marriage and all aspects of life. Even sleeping was an issue. When I found Fiona's work, it was like finding a road back to self acceptance and a map to enjoying sexual pleasure. Helped myarriage, ( my spouse loves what ot has done for mu( and us), and I sleep better. Narrow views of what is 'decent' is what got me in a bad place to start with. I sincerely hope Patreon will consider the real wonderful benefits of the art that Fiona and Ultra create. There are as many individual needs and legitimate paths leading to joy and personal satisfaction and growth, as there are people.


Great two of my favorites are gone


I have spent thousands of dollars on all sorts of personal development resources such as classes, books, audiobooks; but Ultra & Fiona's hypnosis tools have helped me emotionally the most...Patreon should ban my thoughts ;p that's riskier than a cautionary tale.


I love the comments from everyone else, a lot of beautiful perspectives that mirror my own experiences. Erotic hypnosis (and hypnosis in general) is powerful and transformative, it has allowed me to become a better (and happier) person. The fantasies that are experienced are implicitly consensual. it’s about learning to listen and accept, if you don’t want to accept, you won’t. It’s not some mystical will destroying magic and it certainly does not involve the glorification of sexual violence (whatever that means, sounds like it derives from puritanical logic, the sort of thing you’d hear about video games and gun violence). It’s very disappointing to hear that you had to take down files. I understand that this was self-policing, which is ideal from the perspective of the platform, but is based on using vague standards to create fear about being targeted by the moderation team to self-censor your material, diminishing it in the process, and that’s pretty frustrating. I hope you can make them available again at some point and I hope that you never feel like your creativity must be limited due to fear of censorship and the accompanying financial threat. Maybe you can host some of the more “controversial” files on another site? Anyway, to end on a positive note, I can’t express how much your work means to me, it’s the reason I have the confidence to even write this. Thank you!


Erotic hypnosis has helped me explore my sexual tastes more by myself since I do not have a significant other, and I have you guys to thank for that. :)


I got introduced to erotic hypnosis through your YouTube channel. I've always appreciated your comittment to transparency for your listeners--eg. full descriptions of content in all of your recordings. Erotic hypnosis has been a neat gateway to other hypnosis and meditation techniques. This means I get more conscious control over my mind and emotions, which has been useful in my daily life. I also like being able to listen to some of the more extreme files. I like the variety of the content offered here, and appreciate that I can listen to kinky content without having to ask for it explicitly. If I ever feel like a recording goes farther than I am comfortable with while I am listening, I snap out of trance, and sometimes take a few days' break from hypnosis.


I know I always worried a bit about two of Fiona's series & I'm relieved they are gone. I was supporting one other erotic hypnosis on Patreon & was wondering why they disappeared:( I read the article linked & I'm pretty sure I know at least one of the two site owners interviewed. Princess Fae, however is gone.


What files are gone?

Vicky Fisher

Where can get the other file u taken off