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Hello! here's a W.I.P. image of the next animation that I've been working on for some time already, I've been posting several updates on the discord server already since i feel like it's easier to do so, and i don't have to censor them

So, i would like for all of you that want to see constant updates and sneak peeks to join the discord server!!

if u haven't join automatically then you have to connect your Patreon to your discord account

If u have any issues for whatever reason, just let me know in a DM here and i will give you a link to the server



DD master

ok but dumb question, can't you make an uncensored link? like with the videos? I have discord but... I don't want a server like that, if you see what I mean XD


u can create a second discord account, and i dont think i can do the uncensored link for these, too many issues with that while in discord i can just post it in a channel easily