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Ugh, this one has been a lot of work... Especially today, which has been a shitty day for me: I got an allergic reaction in my hands, an impact to my right elbow that has hurt my whole arm while drawing, and finally Photoshop crashes and I lose 1-2 hours of work again. 💢

But I finished it! Thanks for your support and I hope you like it 

*I know that this drawing and pose will have a lot of controversy and not many people will like it. I'm sorry if it's your case, I just wanted to try something crazy this time.🙇‍♂️



YeenBeanz (Remi)

Awesome work!!! Love this one ^^ Hope you feel better soon!


It looks great but you should take some rest :o


Please get well soon, this is a really great piece


This is a really neat piece and interesting posing!


The final result were even more gorgeous. Don't push yourself too hard. Hope u would have a nice day for the rest of the day. Take care.


Very nice piece!!!


Mitsuzune is very hard to draw and the pose is hard but you made it work and you even added a nice background to it. This is now one of my favorite work from you. Thanks for your hard work on this one. I hope you can get some rest now.


Holy crap pika this looks amazing!! Thank you so much for such a great piece. I hope you feel better soon man, get some much needed rest.


I'd say thah this one and the two with worgen are my favorites, they are all amazing. Oh and I hope you'll feel better soon!


My gosh, this piece is absolutely fabulous!!! Amazing job jota~ Hope everything becomes better for you too


It's definitely the heaviest file I've ever worked on lol. mizutsune has a lot of details Also thank you Harte


yeah luckily the urticaria are disappearing in my body 💪 Thanks rovelyfe!