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Hello everyone!

I wanted to give you a preview into some of the changes coming with the start of 2017. This past year has been a great experience, and I've learned a lot. A lot about what you love, and a lot about what sort of work is involved in creating rewards on a regular basis. I've been listening and taking notes, and I think I can do better.

Add to that the changes to my schedule that the TV show production are going to demand. Even while I'm neck-deep in work on the Amazon show, I'll be maintaining my regular bi-weekly podcast schedule. As you might imagine, that's going to stretch me a bit. Throw in a bit of promotional touring for the TV show, and I just might go insane.

The new 2017 reward tiers reflect those demands on my time. I hope to "blog" here more in the coming year, to give ALL backers ($1+) an exclusive glimpse into the TV show production (anything I'm allowed to share), promotional tour details, and general thoughts on the world of Lore. That's a hard thing to do—I write constantly for the show, and my time is in high demand—but I want to try and keep you more current on Lore news.

There are some subtractions, though. Gone are the premium transcripts (partly a time issue, partly blamed on inconsistent image resources for some topics), and gone are the Anthology paperbacks (managing the shipping of that reward takes me roughly 5 hours each month). I'm sad to discontinue them, trust me, but it had to be done.

Replacing them are some awesome new rewards at the $10 level. I'll be creating an ad-free version of all future full episodes, and adding that to the premium RSS feed you already have access to. I've also created higher Lore Shop discounts (30% off!).

One last thing: there's a new product launching in the new year called the Lore Mystery Box. It's a quarterly, limited-edition collection of exclusive Lore merchandise that won't be sold anywhere else. I'll post more about that later, but just know that $10 backers will be getting a 50%-off coupon code each quarter for that item.

I've included a short FAQ below the signature for questions I think some of you might ask. But please know that I appreciate you continued support, and look forward to wowing you more frequently in the coming year.

Always grateful,

Aaron @ Lore


Q: What if I signed up for the Anthology last month, and don't qualify until January charges are run?

A: Never fear! I'll be shipping one last round of Anthologies in the middle of January to bring everyone current with their due rewards.


Q: Will you ever offer access to the full archive of transcripts?

A: Short answer, no. Longer answer, I can't give those away in bulk anymore because of an upcoming publishing project. Basically, publishers like to publish exclusive content, not publically-available stuff, so I want to be cautious. The better publishing deal I can land, the longer Lore can stay my sole occupation.


Q: What's in the Mystery Box?

A: Awesome stuff! Each box will contain a t-shirt, lapel pin, embroidered patch, sticker pack, and autographed postcard. Everything will be a limited edition, and never sold in the Lore shop to the general public.


Q: How much will the Mystery Box cost?

A: Just $30+shipping. BUT, if you're a $10 backer, you'll get it for $15+shipping. That's $50 in exclusive merchandise for $15. Not bad!




Have 2016 Anthologies gone out?


There are no 2016 Anthologies. The 2015 Anthology stopped being a reward back in December. No plans for future Anthologies.


My mistake. I thought there was going to be a second book of stories before they were discontinued. 👍🏻


Thank you for this 1600s story. I love *any* stories discussing this subject & time period!