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Greetings, faithful listeners!

Today's Lore Extra was a story I had never heard before, and after reading the details about it, I just couldn't help but share  it with all of you. I hope it entertains and gets the gears turning in your heads.

Transcript is attached below the description, for those of you who care to read along and see sources. And as always, thanks for being a monthly member. Your support is generous, powerful, and so important.

Aaron @ Lore




Loving the podcast, as always. I want to try out The Great Courses and I want you to get credit. How do I sign up again?


Thanks! I believe the web address is www.thegreatcoursesplus.com/lore to let them know you found them through Lore. And thank for that!


My pleasure. I'm listening to one of their courses on Audible and loving it. Thanks for letting me know about it.