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Some places seem to straddle the boundary between one world and another. It’s a feature than can often generate charm and beauty, but sometimes it creates darker things, as the history of these historic islands demonstrates so well.


Further Reading

  1. “Black Dogs,” BBC, March 2008, http://www.bbc.co.uk/guernsey/content/articles/2004/07/21/folklore_black_dogs_feature.shtml.
  2. “Channel Islands Profile - Overview,” BBC, March 2015, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-18175986.
  3. “Descriptive Sketch of the Island of Sark,” The Guernsey Magazine: A Monthly Illustrated Journal of Useful Information, Instruction, and Entertainment, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1875.
  4. “Guernsey resistance to German occupation 'not recognized’,” BBC, October 2014, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-guernsey-29443105.
  5. Rick Hale, “Guernsey’s Haunted German Military Underground Hospital,” Spooky Isles, June 2019, https://www.spookyisles.com/german-military-underground.
  6. Edouard Launet, “Michael Beaumont, 70 ans, est le «seigneur» de Sercq, île anglo-normande. Deux richissimes jumeaux contestent son paisible féodalisme. Le comte de l'île.” Libération, December 1997, https://www.liberation.fr/portrait/1997/12/06/michael-beaumont-70-ans-est-le-seigneur-de-sercq-ile-anglo-normande-deux-richissimes-jumeaux-contest_224306.
  7. Edgar MacCulloch, Guernsey Folk Lore: a collection of popular superstitions, legendary tales, peculiar customs, proverbs, weather sayings, etc., of the people of that island (public domain, 1903).




Whoops, no Nazi invasion during "WWI"... also, is the singing stone the last segment? The episode download through my app had just under 10 minutes of silence following that story.

Jay Eilers

I loved locket story.