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Hello there!

If you are reading this then welcome to my Patreon. Its taken me a LONG LONG TIME to set one of these up. I have done it once before but it lasted all of a week I think. Patreon kind of scares me and with the work/focus issues I've been having the last thing I wanted to do was give myself more work to do. HOWEVER! There's no rules on how I run this thing. So long as you get to see things you enjoy and feel that the monthly sub is worth it, then that's all good. There's no obligation to stay and if you decide to come back later that's totally fine too!

I'll be posting work here I've done over the course of the year, my public posting backlog is so far behind (I'm still posting art from 2019) that there's lots of pieces no one has seen aside from who commissioned it, or if its gift art etc.

So I'll be working on posting those - and newer work I do for others or myself I'll post as well as edits/alt versions because those are always fun. I'll probably post up anything I plan on putting on my gumroad here too so you can have access to those things rather than buying on GM.

For commissions when I plan on opening I'll offer spots here /first/ and then the rest will be public. So you are always gaurenteed a spot if you WANT one (subject to reason of course). So that offer is always there when I open. I will not be opening any time soon but when I do you guys will be the first to know.

Also when it comes to art I fancy doing I'll put up a vote as to who I draw or what I draw (theme etc).

If I think of any other things to post here I'll do so, I don't plan on creating any other tiers, but if I do it'll be discussed with you guys.

Keep in mind the majority of art I'll be doing for this will be NSFW. So if that isn't really your cup of tea, thats totally fine.

Thank you so much for supporting me, and I hope to bring you fun things.
- Mooz


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