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Hello, hello!

I'll do a long-overdue progress report tomorrow, but as of right now, I was hoping you could lend me a little bit of your needed help.

I'm thinking of doing yet another Q&A — I've got five people asking me to do one 😋— but I thought, "Let's make it a little bit different."

Or, in this case, a little bit more true to the name. You ask questions to a character or multiple, and I'll answer in-character. I want to try something more direct and playful. I might write a scenario or two because I know myself, but I'll focus on trying to answer everyone (which isn't possible in the other Q&As because even one question can get to 2k words).

This format makes it harder to think of what to ask, so if you can't think of anything, don't worry. I'll just write another type of Bonus Content for this month — I have a couple of ideas brewing already.

Thank you!! ♡



To Neia and/or the Pirate King: what is the strangest thing you've ever come across during your travels? [excluding plot-relevant events if necessary]


To Rafael: ... Sorry, I can't think of anything. But feel free to snark at me for leaving you out.


I'll switch gears a little to the side characters! Beka! Through entirely legitimate means you come into, say, a thousand gold coins. Your food and necessities are bought and paid for- How do you spend the excess? Are you living like Ysabella? Goliath, who's the very last person you'd want to see stepping into the ring with you? Who strikes fear into your heart? (Is it your mother? Lord knows she probably doesn't approve of this line of work) Captain Cynthia, thirty days without speaking, or three days unable to see or hear? Piki, Benz, how do you strive to live with glory? Are there often bigger threats than wolves to contend with in the Castillan highlands? This is for Alessa, the twins and Rafael: If Romanus expressed a willingness to give you some lessons on Latin, would you take his/her offer?


Maybe if it wouldn't be spoilery what is any/all ROs favourite memory and Bekas, cuz I love her with all my heart


Ok so I'm kinda late but that one ask on tumblr made me think, *but* we haven't gotten to the garden scene just yet so idk if it wouldn't be too much to ask that. @Vallen, of course. What were you thinking the first time you saw Romanus' scar, realizing they must've gotten it sometime after meeting you? Vallen's just so mysterious and scary and I love her, and I wanna get inside her head and see how she thinks 😩🤌