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I saw Seraphinite, the author of the Wayhaven Chronicles, do a little exercise, and I thought: That's a great idea.

I answered on Tumblr what each RO needs, wants, and dreads to hear from Romanus — you can see the post here. But what do YOUR Romanus need, want, and dread to hear themselves?

It can be from a particular character or just in general, words from any mouth.

This will actually help me a little in writing a pivotal moment in Romanus' story — figuring out some of the options to give the players on how to answer.

Thank you in advance!!



Oooo this is fun! (imagine me rubbing my hands together like a fly) My main MC is a sarcastic little shit, just a tad 🤏 emotionally avoidant (actually BIGTIME, girly has issues 😔 but can you blame her? 😅) and in L.O.V.E with Alessa 😍 who is also a tad 🤏 emotionally avoidant. What a pair amirite?, I love them so much 😭. Anywhooo all that out the way, my MC would Want: a beer, cause what a better way to hide from your inner turmoil and hidden trauma than a glass of that ale! 🍻 Hip hip! Need: Ooo this is the juicy bit! Homegirl needs a hug. A hug so inviting and full of warmth that it almost suffocates. A hug that leaves her totally defenseless and vulnerable, and yet.. feeling completely safe. This revelation, that there's space for safety and one that she's deserving of occupying, would turn her world quite literally on its axis. To fall and be caught. That's what my girl needs. Now dread (yikes, I'm scared 😬): She would dread hearing that her mother's sacrifice was in vain. That she was unworthy of her love and effort. Unworthy of carrying her image and memory. Unworthy of her mother's greatest wish, a future liberated from fear. Unworthy. (oof It's got a little kick 😣) Tada! We're at the end. Hope you liked that, it actually required me to think, which I'm not sure if I enjoyed 🤔 will keep you updated 👍. (Also sorry for the overwhelming emojis, I'm an expressive person 😔 it's a curse)


Gm Ana! ☀️ How you been? How's the weather like? How the furballs doing? Y'know, all that jazz.

Laura G

Love your writing so have quite a few MCs and playthroughs. But the first few who come to mind. One dating Hadrian. Wants: I know you and love you. Even the rough parts. The parts that you feel aren't beautiful or perfect. Needs: I see you. And I am still here. Will still be with you. Dreads: You are nothing but lies. You are not who I thought you were. I never would have chosen to be with you if I knew who you were. I never want to think of you again. You bring nothing but pain. One dating Alessa. Wants: We are safe together. You are loved and I know you love me as well. I am happy with you. Needs: I am here. I am safe. You are safe. With me you can rest. Dreads: You have failed me. You have betrayed me. You are the monster you always feared you could become. One who has a crush on Alain. Wants: I am glad to have you. Needs: (Any kind of affection / respect / friendship / acknowledgement). You don’t have to entertain me / hide everything behind a joke. Dreads: Who are you again? You are nothing. You are insignificant. You are a failure. Everyone you've cared for suffered because of knowing you.


I think, at least for my Romanus, that they’ve found a sort of comfort of home in Alessa and Hadrian. And that if/when they find out about Romanus’s past, that they’ll want nothing to do with them. Especially Hadrian, being a man of the church. And Alessa would know the danger that comes with one such as them. So I think it’d be really hard to be abandoned by them. I suppose it could be an interesting growing point for the group but it’d be very hard


oh this is wonderful! so neat of you to get an insight into your players thinking. here is how it is for my romanus, without context, because i think it's more interesting that way :) Want: You are brilliant. Your dedication to preserving knowledge is incredibly worthwhile and important. I will help you find out more. Need: Running away from your feelings won't keep you safe, it will only leave you alone. / People are not condemned to death just because they know you. (You do not poison everything you touch.) Dread: I love you / Your attempts at preserving the past are useless and meaningless, it is nothing more than pure vanity. / It's your fault she died.